Waffle Sizzli is a pit bull that is black in color and loves stuffed animals more than anything else in the world.
Christie Peters, director of Richmond Animal Care and Control (RACC), said in an interview with The Dodo that the woman “carries them around.”
The RACC found Waffle wandering the streets in November of 2022, and by January of 2023, she had been the shelter’s resident who had been there the longest. During the time that she was at RACC, the lovable dog received a lot of attention and hugs from the employees, but her collection of stuffed animals was by far the most important source of comfort for her.
After being carried inside Peters’ office, where a few stuffed animals were already waiting for her, Waffle had her first experience with stuffed animals for the first time.
Peters said that “She loved them very much.”
After that, the puppy walked to an office that was nearby and discovered two additional stuffed animals: a frog and a bird.
Peters said that when she left his office, she strolled down the corridor to the other office and removed some stuffies from there. “She took them back to my room so that she could have more of them,” the narrator says.
Waffle relocated her precious collection of stuffed animals to her bed, where she could keep a close check on all of them. The rambunctious dog would take at least one toy with her whenever she ventured out of the comfort of her bed.
“She brings them back inside after she uses the restroom outdoors,” Peters claimed. “She takes them outside with her when she uses the restroom.”
Waffle had a soft spot in her heart for all of the stuffed animals she got the chance to play with, but she did have a few favorites.
Peter said that the plush redbone was the dog’s all-time favorite toy. The frog came in second place, but because his legs dangled, it was easy for her to trip over them. The bird was the third item in the sequence, and she carried that one about with her quite a bit.
Although Waffle Sizzli had little interest in engaging with any of the other dogs at the shelter, she was more than glad to show off her toy collection whenever the opportunity presented itself.
According to Peters, “She would wander past the other dogs in their cages with her stuffies.” “She had a great deal of pride in them.”
In addition, every time a member of the staff proposed playing a game of tug of war or fetch with the toys, they were promptly rejected without exception.
Peters shared her story, saying, “She would bring them to us, but she didn’t want us to take them.” “All she wanted was for us to adore her as she was playing with her stuffed animals, and we did.” Every day, the Waffle Sizzli show took place, and all we did was act as participants.
Waffle Sizzli had been in the shelter for a total of three months when an adoption application was submitted for her. A lady who had just been bereaved of her senior dog saw RACC’s footage of Waffle playing with her toys, and she fell in love with her right away.
A few days later, the name Waffle Sizzli was selected for formal use. Waffle’s friends at RACC gave her a few unique presents to take with her when she left the center before she departed.
Peters said that they gave her everything that was dear to her heart before sending her to go. “I can now get photographs of her playing with her stuffed animals in her new home.”
Waffle was adopted by a wonderful family, and the RACC staff is overjoyed to hear that she is thriving in her new life with her beloved stuffed animals by her side. Although they miss having their plushie-obsessed friend around the shelter, they are overjoyed to hear that Waffle is happy.
Peters said, “She is absolutely the prettiest, funniest, and kindest little toy-carrying dog ever,” referring to their beloved pet. “We adore her so much.”