Lovely Miliana was a resident of the Serbian village where she resided. She was well taken care of by the many males that fancied themselves in her company. But she did not take them into consideration since she was indifferent and bored with her contemporaries. She happened to run upon Miloiko, who at the time was 71 years old, as she was out walking her dog.
After a lengthy conversation between them, the girl came to the conclusion that she had common ground with him. They started spending a lot of time together and almost immediately became extremely good friends as a result. The stunning young lady made the decision to open out to her parents about how she was feeling. They were taken aback, however, by the person in favor of whom the daughter ultimately decided to vote.
The elderly guy had three children who were all more mature than the young lady. No matter what the parents did to try to sway their daughter’s choice, she was resolute about not changing her mind. On the other hand, the children of the retiree expressed their delight at the fact that the senior citizen would now have someone to look after him.
Naturally, different sectors of society had various responses to the collaboration. The two of them are planning a wedding, which was a frequent topic of conversation. The age gap of 53 years was seen by the church to be unacceptable, and hence they declined to grant permission for the wedding. Despite this, they have a contented existence for more than two years. They value each and every day that they get to spend together.