For a little more than a year, a guy called Lex, who didn’t consider himself to be especially fond of cats at the time, sought to become friends with a homeless cat in order to gain his trust and eventually win his affection. He was, without a doubt, a patient man, and he was slowly but steadily making his way closer to the elusive cat he had dubbed ‘Cinnabon.’

Although walking around his yard, he saw that the young kitten seemed to be in poor health, and while he didn’t pay much attention to it at first, he eventually decided to leave some tuna in his yard.

Despite Lex’s gesture, the cat did not approach him; he looked to be afraid of people; nonetheless, Cinnabon used to visit Lex’s yard in search of food, so Lex continued to provide him with water and food in order to guarantee that the feline had something to eat at all times.

Lex told The Dodo the following: His food and water were in a tiny dish outside my home, and he was eating from it. As well as running away if he happened to see me on the other side of the glass.

Gradually, Lex developed a strong affection for Cinnabon and decided to construct a little house for him in his backyard to serve as a haven during the winter nights. It was a delightful surprise to hear that Cinnabon had entered the small house stuffed full of blankets in order to relax.

Lex said the following: “I remember looking at the window and seeing him in his home. He kept his eyes glued on me the whole time. He did nothing more than lowered his head and fall asleep. He was asleep in the home at the time, and I thought it was a key moment. You feel as though you’ve become a part of the family.”

Despite the two’s efforts, Cinnabon was hesitant to approach Lex; it would take a bit longer for the homeless cat to trust him.

Cinnabon, still nervous about entering the home, attempted to persuade him with treats, and once inside the house, the cat ultimately allowed Lex to approach and stroke him. Lex had seen the cat meowing in the snow through the glass door on several occasions, and the man believed Cinnabon.

After becoming family, Cinnabon and Lex have settled into their new house together, with the cat preferring to stay by his side despite the fact that the man generally leaves his yard door open for the cat to wander out and return whenever he likes.

Lex thinks it’s tremendously wonderful to see him coming home after being out for a while.

By Elen

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