In the case of Marcus Curtis, a 45-year-old breeder from Riverside, California, who claims to have brought back an ancient huge guard dog from the dead. Marcus considers himself fortunate and happy to be the owner of an American Molossus dog weighing 212 pounds.

The 18-month-old monster, which has been named Old World Sasquatch, is the culmination of the breeder’s quest to bring back what he refers to as the ‘Old World Molossus’ breed, according to Barcroft.

The Molossus dog is a long-extinct ancient breed that originated in southern European countries. These canines were first used as guard dogs, but they were eventually employed in warfare by the Romans. The Molossus breed of Tibetan Mastiff is the most well-known of the ancient dog breeds.

In my experience, most people are taken aback when they encounter Sasquatch. When people see this, their mouths drop open. As soon as they witness these enormous monsters, they are taken aback and in awe.

Marcus said to Barcroft Studios that when it comes to body mass, bone structure, and general size, “these canines were never equaled thousands of years ago and they remain so to this day.”

Among the most terrifying of the monsters, the Molossus may reach 180 to 200 pounds, and they amaze with their size and tremendous physical prowess. Sasquatch, on the other hand, has already surpassed the 212-pound mark, and according to his owner, he is anticipated to reach about 220 pounds.

“We were anticipating Sasquatch to weigh between 185 and 200 pounds at the time of his capture,” Marcus said. “Given the fact that he is young and already weighs 212 pounds, we anticipate him to weigh around 220 pounds by the time he is four years old,” he stated.

Although its young age, the massive dog had already surpassed the biggest Mastiffs the famed breed has ever seen, despite only weighing 190 pounds at the time of the incident.

Marcus utilized the Old English Mastiff and the Napoleon Mastiff in an attempt to restore the historic breed of dogs. Many believe that they are related to the Ancient Molossus in some way or another.

As Marcus observed, “there are variances in temperament across breeds.” As opposed to English Mastiffs, Napoleons are more persistent and obstinate alpha dogs, with English Mastiffs being more docile.

“You have to concentrate on the guardianship and the characteristics of the dog, and attempt to merge them together as much as possible. It is the breeder’s intention that these dogs serve as a close protector, to come between you and an intruder, and to frighten them away.”

Marcus states that he was seeking the greatest protection canines possible that also had a kind disposition. The gentle giants, on the other hand, are renowned for having “an even temperament, frightening appearances, and a sociable attitude that may rapidly become dangerous when presented with a threat.”

“If a person intends to hurt the dogs, the dogs are dangerous,” he added. “They were bred to protect in the manner of a massive security dog.” “If someone breaks into the property and intends to do damage, I would hate to be the one who does it.”

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By Anna

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