Martin Studer is a postal worker who lives in the Australian town of Brisbay. He awoke early every morning, eager to deliver a letter to one of his favorite locals, who lived nearby. It’s hard to believe, but it’s a dog named Pippa who’s doing it.

Pippa was also looking forward to seeing the lovely postman, who ran to the gate and collected her mail.

The dog admires to carry the letters to his owners and please them. However, when she does not get a letter, she is dissatisfied.

The postman then came up with a brilliant scheme. Every time there is nothing to deliver, he brings the dog a letter in which he has merely scribbled «A letter for Pippa» and then drops it off at the door.

And the dog runs up to the postman with delight, bringing the letter back to his owner with pleasure.

This Australian postman has become well-known and appreciated not just for his pet, but also for the whole environment in which he works and plays.

Everyone should strive to spread happiness and kindness to others in the manner of this gentleman!

By Elen

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