Meet the multi-millionaire who devoted his whole fortune to the rescue of stray dogs.
When he tragically lost his own beloved dog the next year, most likely to a butcher, he was moved to do something about it.

Since then, he has donated practically every dime he has in his name to the center for the animals.

According to The People’s Daily Online, Wang, who is 29 years old, has spent millions of dollars on the rescue of over 2,000 stray puppies, preventing them from being sent to slaughter.

It is at the center of Wang’s altar. He prays for the dog, who is shown in a statue.

Over 200 dogs of different breeds now live at the facility, which serves a wide range of dogs.

Wang’s kindness has provided them with the opportunity to start a new life.

Currently, there are over 200 dogs at the center, all of which are a variety of breeds. Wang has given them a second chance at life.

Approximately 14 years ago, Wang made his millions working in the Chinese steel sector.

His earnings have gone entirely to the center, which includes food and medical treatment for the animals.

Wang told reporters that he had searched everywhere for his own dog, but that he had come up empty-handed. Someone finally agreed to let me go inside the slaughterhouse so that I might try my luck.

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By Anna

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