A woman told her fiancé that she would not accompany him on his trip since he had purchased first-class tickets for himself and his own children, while she was forced to go with her children in economy class. The ruling caused a significant amount of discussion on social media, with many people praising the mother for advocating for her children and insisting that they be treated equally.
On the other hand, my fiance has three children from his previous marriage, and I have two children from my previous marriage as well. As I began to concentrate on obtaining my degree, I decided to leave my employment. If you will, he has become the “breadwinner” of the family, despite the fact that I continue to contribute with my money! In addition, I am responsible for eighty percent of the housework and kid care.
To make a long tale short, he wanted me and my children to spend Thanksgiving with his family, who live in a different part of the country, and we were scheduled to travel yesterday (in advance, so that we could find a house to rent). Despite the fact that he had purchased our tickets and everything else, I discovered later, before to the trip, that he, his children, and I were all assigned seats in first class, while my two children, ages 14 and 10, were assigned seats in economy.
He pretended that it was no big problem and informed us that it would only be a few hours, and that the children could “just hang in there for a little while.” I was taken aback by his behavior on that occasion. I questioned how he could possibly believe that this was okay, and he became enraged and said that because he was the one who paid for the tickets, we should follow his rules.
The moment I realized what I was doing, I turned back and grabbed the children before leaving the airport. I refused to go back and informed him that after this, I no longer felt like celebrating Thanksgiving with his parents. He began following us and yelling at me to go back, but I refused. The fact that my youngest child traveled without me caused her to cry.
He brought his children along with him. We are at home with my children. Not only has he not stopped contacting me in an attempt to berate me, but he has also sent his mother a text message telling me that I need to get over myself and stop training my children to be spoilt and entitled. She said that the fact that I was “willing” to miss Thanksgiving with my family because of something so little demonstrates my true character, attitude, and perspective, or the “lack thereof” in my case.