The most recent edition of America’s Got potential demonstrates that age is irrelevant, and that we should never attempt to conceal or restrict our potential in any way.

At the 2019 American Talent Competition, Leon, 84, and Edson, 54, his closest friend from Dupla o Tempo, Brazil, blew away both the judges and the crowd with their acrobatics. Hand balancers Edson and Leon demonstrate that age is nothing more than a number by pursuing their goals despite their advancing years.

They first crossed paths 14 years ago. They have never had the opportunity to do hand-balancing routines in front of large audiences before, but “America’s Got Talent” provided them with that platform.

They made their entrance onto the stage costumed like characters from the film “Up.” It’s likely because of what judge Julianne Hough has previously stated about them in other contexts. In spite of the fact that they got their performance began out slowly, they picked it up considerably when they started doing body balance and lift stunts with each other. Everyone, including the judges and the public, was taken aback by this information.

It is apparent that people all around the globe adored what they accomplished because of how much love and support they are receiving from people throughout the world.

By Elen

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