At the beginning of January 2018, a dog that was severely undernourished was found shackled and imprisoned inside a residence in Costa Rica. Mercedes Mora, a devotee of canines and a volunteer with Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue – Costa Rica, ultimately got into contact with him (CAARCR). She immediately made him an offer for lunch and then took him to the charitable organization.

It is not yet clear how he got into this pickle, so the inquiry will continue. The people who rescued him said that he was in such poor health that he could not elevate his head. According to what Tania Cappelluti, the creator of CAARCR, was reported as saying by The Dodo:

When you work to save animals, you end up seeing a lot of terrible things and having to deal with a lot of difficult circumstances. When I saw this ragtag collection of flesh and bones lying in his cage, I had to force myself to preserve my composure. Unfortunately, Leon is one of the worst examples I have ever come across.
He was given the name Leon by Cappelluti in the hopes that it would bestow upon him the lion’s ferocity. She said that the severity of his illness “ripped her breath away.”

As soon as Leon began to exhibit symptoms of improvement, it became clear that the name was, in fact, rather fitting. Leon wants to live, as Cappelluti pointed out; thus, when our veterinarian placed food in his bowl, he raised his head and got extremely happy. He ate everything, and he even licked the dish clean once he was done. He is a warrior to the core. The veterinarians quickly realized that in order for Leon to completely heal, he need more than just food and care in order to combat his anemia. The Rottweiler named Norman came to the rescue when they needed assistance. The charitable organization advertised on many Facebook sites located in the area in an attempt to find a dog that could donate blood.

It was necessary to have a dog that was in good condition and weighed at least 25 kilograms (55 pounds). Quickly, two persons established touch with one another, but unfortunately, their locations were too far apart. Then, Cappelluti contacted Jose Lobo because he had a dog called Norman that Cappelluti thought may be a suitable match for Leon. Norman was owned by Jose Lobo. When Lobo found out that Norman was in good enough shape to donate blood, he quickly scrapped all of his previous plans and took him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. According to Cappelluti, Norman “was really peaceful during the whole surgery.” I heard, though, that his father was on the verge of passing out.

The Dodo overheard Lobo saying,. I remained with Norman during the whole event, but I felt compelled to leave the room as soon as I saw all of the blood, despite the fact that he was the ideal donor. But Norman had an astounding combination of bravery and laid-back attitude. It seemed as if the notion that was going through [his] head was something along the lines of, “It’s all OK, guy, don’t worry, let’s do this!” All of Norman’s hard work for Leon has instilled an incredible sense of pride inside his family. In addition, Cappelluti presented presents as a gesture of gratitude, one of which was a pink tennis ball that he has come to like.

The veterinarians believe that Leon is making strides toward his recovery and that he will be made available for adoption as soon as he is well enough to do so.

By Elen

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