We’ve all heard the expression “the customer is always right,” and it never gets old. But to what extent is that assertion really accurate? You have no doubt seen or been made aware of a great number of occasions in which the customer was, in point of fact, grossly incorrect. Despite this, individuals in customer service have been forced to swallow their pride and go on with their jobs.

But should we really base our decisions on that kind of business model? In point of fact, doesn’t tolerating impolite behavior just send the message that such conduct is acceptable, so making it more likely that it will occur again and again? The verdict on that one is probably still out, but the owner of this coffee business is putting a fresh hypothesis to the test. Customers have an unquestionable right to get outstanding service, and this is completely true.

But does it imply that workers have no longer earned the right to respect for themselves?

A barista at Cups Coffee and Tea in Roanoke, Virginia named Austin Simms came up with a solution that was not only ingenious but also very successful in order to teach disrespectful clients a lesson.

In addition to that, he did it in a helpful manner.

It seemed that he was aware of the lack of respect on their premises, and as a result, he conceived of an excellent plan for putting a stop to it.

How challenging is it, exactly, to utter the word “please”?

In the realm of business and customer service, a lot of consumers tend to forget how to be nice towards their assistants.

It simply goes to show that attending a great institution isn’t enough to make someone polite on their own, no matter how hard they try. Respect generates respect, and a happy attitude is not something that can be purchased at a department shop.

The unfortunate truth is that consumers are not just impolite to workers but also to the proprietors of the companies they patronize. They have no regard for anybody and will be rude to anyone, often for no apparent reason at all.

As a result, the Cups Coffee and Tea company made the decision to communicate with its clients.

They were determined not to be treated with contempt ever again, especially not in their very own coffee shop. As a result, they revised the pricing list and hung it up in the lobby of the store.

If a client came in and stated, “one tiny coffee,” the sign indicated that they would be charged $5.00 for their purchase. If they stated “one small coffee, please”, that’s $3.00.

To understand the distinction between the two, you do not need to have a strong background in mathematics.

The buyer will get an immediate discount of $2.00 only for saying “please.”

It can be summed up like this. There is no room for debate over this matter.

When you go up to the counter and say “Hello, I’d like one small coffee please,” the price reduces to $1.75.

Even if someone is simply pretending to be courteous in order to get a discount, if it becomes a habit, then it could be worth it, and it might even lead to their paying full price for something else. If it becomes a habit, then it just might be worth it.

Austin shared the following statement with WDBJ7: “I decided, since I need to fix all the injustices in the world, to start charging extra money for customers who didn’t take the time to say hello and connect and recognize that we’re all humans behind the counter.”

The more kind and considerate a consumer is, the greater the discount they will get. It’s a “win-win” situation for everyone involved: the consumers learn how to be courteous to the staff, and in exchange, they get discounts on their purchases.

It does not cost anything to be kind, kind, and courteous to others.

To bring this discussion up to date, the current state of affairs calls for more amounts of positivism, respect, and compassion. These are among the things that are most important for the world to have right now.

By Elen

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