After being rescued from Fort Bend County Animal Services and placed with his first foster home, Carl was brought to the attention of SOCA-FBC for the first time. Despite the fact that Carl had paralysis in his rear legs and needed particular treatment, they showered him with love and affection.
Carl maneuvered himself about their home and yard with the help of his front legs. He did not let his disease prevent him from being a joyful dog that sought out cuddles and enjoyed playing with the other animals in the home despite the fact that he was sick. Then, one day, for some reason, Carl stood up and started walking, although unsteadily.
SOCA has provided Carl with a Facebook profile in the hopes of assisting him in finding a specific family who would adopt him.
SOCA contacted us and asked whether we would be willing to provide Carl with a foster home. We had to say goodbye to three of our beloved pets not too long ago, and we were thinking about getting another one. We wanted to be of assistance to Carl, but due to his illness, we were apprehensive to make an adoptive commitment. Even though he was beginning to walk, he had no control over his bowel movements or his bladder, so he had to wear diapers all the time.
With the help of a local veterinarian, SOCA coordinated the provision of acupuncture and laser therapy for the patient. For the next several months, we made sure to take him for walks twice a day and to his checkups twice a week. He started to build more strength in his rear legs. As he became more capable of managing his bowel movements and pee, he outgrew the need for diapers and began learning how to run and play catch by hopping on his hind legs. He can’t get enough of playing fetch!
During this time, Carl won over not just us but also our animals, and we all fell in love with him. He shares his bed with our female cat, who also cleans his face, and the other cats like toying with him and chasing him about the house.
Carl showed us that his exceptional requirements did not matter, and as a result, he had a profound impact on our lives. He was warm, lovely, charming, compassionate, and brilliant all rolled into one person. Because of my weight problem, which I still struggle with today, he had a huge influence on my life. After I retired a few years back, I started getting up later in the morning, which resulted in my wasting a significant chunk of the day and not getting very much done. The advice that our veterinarian gave us was to make sure Carl had plenty of exercise on a daily basis.
When Carl joined our family, I immediately started eating less and exercising less as a result of the unique requirements he had. Now, I get up every day between the hours of 6:30 and 7:00 in the morning. Part of the reason for this is to guarantee that Carl does not have a BM accident in the home, and the other part is to ensure that he keeps his walk schedule, which he looks forward to very much. We walk for an hour around the neighborhood, and I wake up early in order to get a lot more done than I did the day before.
A lesser amount of time is spent strolling prior to supper being served. As a result of the commitment I made to Carl when we took him in as our family pet to ensure that he received enough exercise and that his rear legs remained strong, I am in better condition and I am getting more done.
Watch the video below: