Welcome Bully, a 23-year-old Chihuahua who has already witnessed more historical events than the majority of canines on the earth in his short life.
When he turned 23, his parents wanted to throw him a memorable party to commemorate the occasion.
In the meantime, Bully is being cared for by Chris Hughes and his partner at the Mr. Mo Project, a senior dog rescue.
Bully came to us after 21 years of a wonderful life with a loving family, which came to an end when his elderly human could no longer care for him. Bully’s life with his loving family had come to an end.
The Dodo reported that “Bully” is a “feisty and naughty” dog who is “kind, independent, peaceful, calm, and he has an old man bark.” He still likes to attempt to push another one of our Chihuahuas about, despite his advanced age.
The Hughes family prepared their home for the little pooch and provided him with two of his favorite things in the world: snacks and a snooze.
We purchased a soft biscuit and crumbled it up for him to enjoy because he doesn’t have a lot of teeth.” He truly appreciates sleeping, thus giving him a gift of sleep is the nicest gift you could give him.”
“We make an effort to recognize and celebrate all of the wonderful things that occur in our home since there are so many not-so-wonderful things that occur.”
“We celebrate when dogs finish chemo treatments, birthdays, adoptions, and we’ve even been known to have Christmas in July if we believe a dog won’t make it through the holiday season.”