She couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from her owner, who was a lovely kitty with a big heart! Since the death of this cat’s owner one year ago, she hasn’t ventured far from the grave of her late mother. Attempts to adopt the cat by passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28, were unsuccessful; the cat returned to her owner’s grave the following day, nuzzling a small blue tombstone, as she had done on previous visits. The cat, in a remarkable feat, walks every day to her previous house, where she is fed by the elderly lady’s children, and then walks back to her grave. Despite the fact that it has been provided with food and drink by passing motorists, the cat will not leave the grave, preferring instead to lie in the dirt and sleep at the gravesite every night.
This demonstrates how attached animals are to their humans when they lay there and meow. Then there’s Keli. And who says cats don’t have sentiments for the people who care for them. Please share this heartbreaking story with your friends to let them know that cats can also be devoted companions.
She couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from her owner, who was a lovely kitty with a big heart!
Even though Keli Keningau Prayitno (pictured), 28, attempted to adopt the cat, it kept returning to its same location, nuzzling the small blue headstone.
For the past year, the cat has been residing at the gravesite.
The cat, in a remarkable feat, walks every day to her previous house, where she is fed by the old lady’s children, and then walks back to the cemetery.
Despite the fact that it has been provided with food and drink by passing motorists, the cat will not leave the grave, preferring instead to roll in the dirt and sleep at the grave every night.
Thanks for reading.