This cat and her five-month-old kittens were housed in an old garage with their mother. Unknown individuals, however, set fire to the garage one night, destroying it.
Firefighters established that there were no persons inside the garage at the time of the incident, but their attention was called to the garage by a cat that darted in and out of the building multiple times.
Firefighters attempted to capture the animal, but it fought them off. One fireman saw the cat carrying a kitten around in its jaws and called for help. She dragged the infant away from the flames and then hurled herself into the blazing blaze once again.
The mother cat suffered burns to her eyes, ears, and nose, but she managed to get all of the kittens out of the flaming building. Because she could only take them out one at a time, she was forced to return to the blazing and smokey garage a total of five times to finish the job.
The animal’s paws were scorched, its ears were wounded, its snout was singed, and its eyes were bubbling from the heat, but it was only when the cat had taken the last kitten out of the flames and made sure that everyone had been rescued that she became asleep.
The cat was carried to the veterinary clinic by one of the firemen, and she was able to be saved.
Following the event, this is how the cat (who was called Scarlett) seemed immediately afterward, and this is how she appeared later when her hair had grown back and the wounds had healed.
The kittens got adopted in a very short period of time. Karen Wellen, a lady who cared for their mother, became their foster mother. She made a commitment to the members of the Animal Welfare League, who had taken Scarlett into their care, that she would treat the cat as if she were one of their own children. This commitment has been fulfilled.