Blossom, a foster kitty who has become an Internet phenomenon when her stepmother, Lauren Boutz, 41, a chemistry undergraduate from New Mexico, posted images of her smiling during a photo session on social networks.
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are the names of the three new foster kittens that the mom has introduced to the world. Blossom’s images, on the other hand, are the prettiest because of her adorable grin. As a result, her photographs spread like wildfire over the Internet, swiftly becoming popular among users.
“I adopt kittens for the Animal Welfare Department of the City of Albuquerque,” Lauren said in her account. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are the powerful girls that appear in the images. He said that the puppies are now around five weeks old.
Blossom has been through a lot in her short life, despite the fact that she is just beginning. She is, on the other hand, still charming and amusing in her disposition. Blossom adores her foster mother to the point that she recently offered her the most endearing thank-you grin to express her gratitude to her. Lauren couldn’t stop herself from taking a picture of Blossom’s adorable grin at the same time she smiled for the camera.
The photos went viral almost immediately after they were posted online. This particular grin of Blossom’s captivated the whole internet. She was commended for providing a foster home for these adorable kittens and for posting images of them on her Facebook page.
When Blossom and her siblings Buttercup and Bubbles pose for a photo session, they seem to be having a great time.
When the photo of Blossom smiling for the camera was uploaded on Twitter, it received more than 1.2 million likes.
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