Buddy, Kaleb Bentham’s Pit Bull, was playing outside of his Nevada County, California house the day before Thanksgiving, and it was a wonderful day.
As soon as Bentham heard a snarl outside, he looked out and saw a 350-pound bear, who had Buddy’s whole 90-pound head in his teeth and was pulling him away.
Bentham was appalled, but he acted immediately to rescue his furry closest buddy from certain tragedies.
Running toward them, he collided with the bear, tackling it to the ground. In a frantic effort to liberate Buddy, Bentham grabbed the bear by the neck and started slapping him in the face until the bear relented and let go of the canine companion.
Bentham didn’t even hesitate to put his own life in danger in order to rescue Buddy.
When Buddy was in such terrible form, Bentham was afraid he might lose him forever. In order to save Buddy’s life, he hurried him to Mother Lode Veterinary Hospital, where he was promptly put under anesthesia and brought into surgery.
To drain the fluid from Buddy’s brain he had to have staples, sutures, and tubes placed into his head. Fortunately, the veterinarians were able to save Buddy’s life, and he is currently recuperating at his owner’s house.
In spite of this, the bear has continued to roam the area and has even visited them at their home on multiple occasions since the event took place.
Watch the video below: