A little dog that went overboard from a boat in the Gulf of Mexico has somehow made it to shore. It took almost three hours for the puppy, a Jack Russell called Jagermeister, to get to safety since he was wearing a life jacket the whole time. However, just as he was about to give up hope, a couple boats came across the fatigued dog and rescued him!
Bruce Knecht, who was the first to notice the diminutive Jagermeister, gave him a second opportunity to prove himself. Bruce, his wife Robin, and another couple – who happened to be friends of theirs – went on a boat excursion to celebrate Bruce’s birthday. The boaters were sailing near Hernando Beach when they saw something in the water. When they looked closer, they found that it was a poor puppy trying to keep its head above water.
According to Bruce, who appeared on Good Morning America, “at first I assumed it was a floating buoy in the sea.” Then I thought to myself, ‘Oh my goodness.’ Two brown eyes caught my attention, and I nearly assumed it was a kid. I immediately turned the boat around and rushed to the dog. ”
When the compassionate folks noticed there was a dog in distress, they raced to help him. After witnessing these humans approaching him, the small dog seemed even more delighted than before! After he saw the bow of the boat approaching, he began paddling as quickly as he could toward us, at which point Bruce just bent over and snatched him up.
Michael Shawn’s wife, Sahr (the other couple), phoned the U.S. Coast Guard after they hauled Jagermeister into the boat for safety. As soon as his owner informed them that he had gone missing at sea, they began hunting for him. Later that day, the Jack Terrier was reunited with his owner, who couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Jagermeister because he thought he was gone for good. The rescuer was there to see the happy reunion of the two.
According to Bruce’s wife, the event was “awesome.” “He [the dog] began kissing the face of his owner.” “We were all crying,” said the group.
This reunion would not have been possible if it hadn’t been for the generosity of others. On the other hand, the dog’s life has been spared as a result of his owner’s decision to wear a life-saving vest.
“He was crying,” Sahr recalled. “He said that he had given up. I had looked for him for as long as I possibly could, but we couldn’t find him, and we assumed that we had lost him. ”
More information about this incredible rescue may be seen in the video below!