Pieru always had his good and bad sides. His favorite thing has been to do things he’s not supposed to do since he was a kitten, especially if it involves knocking stuff off of surfaces.
“One day, shortly after his arrival, he discovered that knocking things over is his love,” Pieru’s mother, Kerstin Reif, told The Dodo.
It is because Pieru is so determined to remove everything from each corner of the house that he has earned the nickname “Getoffthetable.” The majority of the time, his adventures are fairly innocuous – that is, until he spotted the rubbish can.
Reif explained that “unfortunately, our trash can is directly next to the table and clearly makes strange noises when he puts items in it.” “About a year ago, I lost my pen and discovered it in the trash — but I was certain I didn’t put it there, and it wasn’t lying in such a manner that it could have fallen on its own.”
Reif understood Pieru must have knocked it in, and a litany of items she’d misplaced or lost rushed through her mind. Without noticing anyone, Pieru has been throwing things out for a lengthy period of time.
Now, Reif makes a point of checking the trash can anytime she’s missing something or before emptying it in general, just in case. Pieru is happy with every object she has uncovered that has been thrown away, including scissors, pencils, the salt shaker, and the television remote control.
Pieru doesn’t attempt to hide the fact that he enjoys knocking things over from time to time. In fact, he’d rather his family notice him doing it. For him, this is a far more pleasurable experience.
As per Reif, “He appears so self-assured that I’m persuaded there’s even a smile on his face.” “He glances at us and nudges something… “He smiles and throws the ball away when you say “Pieru noooo.”
Pieru’s most favorite thing to do is knock things off of surfaces, especially when they end up in the trash can, and he has no plans to stop doing this.