When a man discovers a kitten hiding under a car, the kitten runs up to him, jumps into his arms, and then proceeds to follow him around.
In the Layhill Shopping Center in Maryland’s Aspen Hill Exxon, Dan was on his way to the bank when he was interrupted by an unexpected meeting. “A tinny’mew’ could be heard when I walked by a bush. This Acura had a kitten under the hood, so I checked it out ” said by Dan.
Since Dan is an animal lover and the happy owner of two cats, he couldn’t leave without checking on the tiny kitty’s health. When she first heard Dan’s voice, the cat, a grey tabby, came out under the car.
“It was the fact that when I called to her, she ran up to me and jumped into my arms that surprised me”
Dan was overjoyed by the loving hug he received from his newly met feline companion. It took him a while to figure out if there were any other cats or if anybody was missing a pet, but he couldn’t seem to track down anyone.
Dan decided to take the kitten to an animal hospital nearby to get it scanned for a microchip since there is one nearby. Despite the fact that no one understood what was going on (since the cat didn’t have a chip), he was given a cup of food to help out.
A cat in Dan’s arms was the reason he returned to his automobile repair shop the next day. She instantly turned on the lights in the room for the staff who were there.
“We built up a little nest with some food and drink, and we used some oil dry absorbent as a litter box for the birds. She did great,” Dan said. Especially my workers, everyone who walked inside the shop that day was head over heels in love.
The cat followed Dan about his office like a tiny boss, rubbing up against him here and there to provide “support.” In the meanwhile, they took to social media in an attempt to find her owner.
“Some days at work are better than others, and today was one of those days because this adorable young girl came into the office with me. She found me at the bank.”
No one showed up to collect the kitten after many days of waiting. Dan had hoped to place her in the nicest possible household, where she would be the center of attention and lavished with affection and spoils.
According to Dan, “I already have two cats, one of which is older and somewhat grumpier than the other, so we felt it would be best to place her in a forever home with my daughter’s closest friend,” he said.
“Lily is doing well and seems to be enjoying herself tremendously. We’re certain that she’ll get nothing but affection for the rest of her days with us.”
It is always a pleasure for Dan and his team to hear frequent updates about Lily, which always brings a smile to their faces.
Knowing that one act of kindness has made a significant difference in the lives of a little animal makes everything worthwhile.
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