People have the perception that fathers’ bodies are more appealing than mothers’ bodies.
The beauty standards that our culture upholds for women are unrealistically high, particularly for mothers who have just given birth to their children. Many people believe that women should be able to return to their bodies before to pregnancy in a matter of weeks, rather than months or even years, despite the fact that the female body requires time to recover after giving birth.
Jennifer Garner has three children, and after being asked whether she was expecting her fourth, she is happy of the “baby bump” that has developed in her stomach.
Jennifer Garner, who is now 50 years old, is notorious for rarely releasing images of her three children with ex-husband Ben Affleck, Violet, 16, Seraphina, 13, and Samuel, 10. Samuel is the oldest of the three children.
Before she had her second kid, Garner questioned whether or not she would be able to love both of her children the same degree.
She appeared as a guest presenter on the Happy Mum, Happy Baby podcast in the month of March 2021. She said that rather than making it more difficult to love, it caused her heart to “spread into two.”
The fact that they adored Violet and Seraphina equally made it simple for them to settle on the idea of having a third child.
During the show, the Alias actress discussed the comments made to her after she gave birth to all three of her children and how she responded to them.
She said, “I can work really hard and be in great shape, but I will always look like a woman who has had three babies.” Regardless of how much effort I put in, I will always have that appearance.
Garner appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2014, a year after she had given birth to her third child, in order to put some persistent rumors to rest.
“There’s a bump because I’ve had three kids,” she said.
Garner, like many other women, continues to get remarks about her appearance. Despite the fact that she has put a stop to the rumors and emphasized that a “baby bump” would always be there, the comments are often negative.
It’s nothing more than a dead body. Give gratitude that you have it. You have reached this point with it. It facilitated the birth of your children. What more do you want? “Oh, my!”
She has counseled other individuals not to be too critical of themselves over how they seem.
“I want to seem regular, and I want to create it so that looking normal is something that everyone does. In an interview with Today, she said, “I’ve always felt very strongly about that.”
It is absurd that we establish guidelines for women and then expect them to adhere to those guidelines. I really wish that it was considered “normal” to seem whatever one saw fit. Why should anybody care as long as you are content, in good health, and not causing anyone else any inconvenience?