At the time of his passing, Ángel Salazar, who was renowned for his portrayal as Al Pacino’s trusty sidekick “Chi Chi” in the film “Scarface,” was in the process of shooting an independent spin-off of the legendary gangster movie. Additionally, we have the first glimpse of him in action.

As reported by Eric Spade Rivas, the director, TMZ… In the month of April, Ángel seemed to be experiencing exhaustion while filming sequences in New Jersey. However, he was still in the process of preparing to record further scenes in Miami later this year.

“The Brooklyn Premiere” is the name of the film, and it also stars Steven Bauer, who is known for his role as Manny Ribera in the original “Scarface.” The plot of the movie revolves on a Brooklyn-based film director who is going through a midlife crisis and decides to develop a “Scarface” spoof comedy in order to revitalize his industry.

TMZ was able to get a few video that show Ángel interacting with Steven.

Despite the fact that Eric has known Ángel for a period of twelve years, he has decided to proceed with the film. This decision is based on the belief that Ángel would have desired it.

It was TMZ that told the tale… In a tragic turn of events, Ángel, who was 69 years old, passed away peacefully while sleeping at the home of his friend in Brooklyn, which happens to be the location where the film is set.

Eric reveals to us that Ángel was among the most hilarious individuals he has ever encountered, and he considers himself fortunate to have collaborated with Salazar.

By Anna

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