It is a chore that demands patience, organization, and often some compromise in order to successfully navigate the problems that come with traveling by airplane with small children. The lady in today’s tale, on the other hand, had a routine ride on the airplane that turned into a nightmare.

In her explanation, she put forward her point of view.

Recently, my husband and I took our three-month-old and our two-and-a-half-year-old on a flight that lasted for three and a half hours. Due to the fact that we were unable to purchase tickets together, I was seated in the center aisle with the infant, and he was seated across the aisle from me with the aisle seat and the toddler in the middle.

During the trip, my husband gets up to use himself while I am breastfeeding the baby. As soon as he departs, the toddler crawls over to me. This happens around one hour into the journey. I make an effort to encourage the toddler to sit on my lap, but he leads the baby to stop feeding, which results in the baby sobbing on me. At the same time, I am attempting to protect the two individuals who are sitting next to me by holding the toddler without disturbing them. In addition, my husband was unable to get out from behind the beverage cart in order to make room for the kid for twenty minutes.

After some time has passed, my husband gets up to urinate once again while I am feeding the baby, and the same thing occurs while I am attempting to feed the infant while also holding a toddler on my lap. We ended up with a baby who was sobbing and a toddler who was sitting in the middle seat.

To provide some context, my hubby has a tendency to urinate often. During my time working with a pelvic floor therapist, I shared with her the frequency with which he urinates. She concurred that it is excessive and suggested that he engage in physical therapy in order to prevent problems in the future. He claims that he does not need assistance due to the fact that he consumes a lot of water. He has the ability to hold it since he has a full-time job at an office and he is able to go for hours without having to urinate when he gets calls that come in one after the other. Neither has he ever had an accident or urinated on himself. This year, he did see a urologist, who determined that there was no evidence of malignancy or prostate cancer.

When we got off the plane, I told my husband how difficult it was to keep both of my sons balanced, and I begged him if he could just hold his urine together. There are a lot of occasions when I have to urinate while I’m babysitting the boys, but I try to hold it till the timing is more convenient. He said that he is unable to.

After that, I inquired as to whether he might consult me before he urinates and defecates in situations when the infant is not being breastfed and I have two hands. He responded with a negative, and he should be able to urinate whenever he needs to.

It is a concern of mine that we have a whole summer of traveling ahead of us, including a few vacations that will take us to other countries.

P.S. He is in excellent health and has yearly physical examinations. None of the tests are abnormal, and there is no evidence of diabetes. Because he runs ultra-marathons, he has never had to urinate on himself when he was on a lengthy run.

By Anna

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