The memory of Taylor Odlozil’s wife is something that he continues to preserve.

It has been a year since the passing of the 32-year-old man’s wife, Haley Odlozil, who had been battling Stage IIIC ovarian cancer for eight years. During his interview on The Get Back podcast, Taylor notes that he has spent a significant portion of that time focusing on bettering himself and being a good parent to his son, Weston, who is now five years old.

A question was posed to Taylor by the presenters, inquiring about his plans for the future in terms of moving on romantically. It is true that he is aware, as a result of his newly acquired platform, that there are those who are interested in the matter; but, he has not yet arrived at that point.

Admitting, “I get the question a lot,” he says. Do you know that I understand it? I remained at Haley’s side. Our high school sweethearts were each other. We were head over heels in love. In addition to being a Christian, an Eagle Scout, an Iron Man, and a petroleum engineer, I am a devoted person who places a high importance on taking care of himself and parenting. In addition, women do want it, and I don’t blame them for wanting that. I’ve made it a point to make sure that I give myself at least a year to devote to working on myself, and I did my best to do so.

The next thing that Taylor did was go back to the chats that he had with Haley about what his future would be like once she passed away.

“We had our conversation, and it was clear that she would be saying, ‘I don’t want you to be alone.'” I want you to find someone, but you had best make sure that person is wonderful. Always, she would tell them that they had to be excellent. As he says, “She just really wanted to make sure that I found the right one, so she waited and took my time.”

“She wanted me to locate a person,” I said. She desired for Weston to have that parental role in his life. We had that conversation because she placed a lot of importance on it. “Did you and Haley talk about that?” is a question that is often asked in comments. Without a doubt, yes. It is reasonable that she would say something like, “I want you to move on, but the thought of you with someone else makes you want to throw up at the thought of it.”
In addition, Taylor addressed the rumors that he is already dating again since he has stopped wearing his wedding band. He also said that he has dropped forty pounds in the time that has passed since Haley’s passing.

“Another thing that I seem to receive very often and that, to tell you the truth, really irritates me is the fact that I no longer have my ring on. In an honest and sincere manner, I conveyed the fact that I had shed more than forty pounds. I didn’t want to lose it because it was sliding off my finger, and I didn’t want to lose it.”

“I am enraged with what is because… I understand it; if you are wearing a ring, you are indicating that you are still devoted to the person you are with. If you remove that, it would be the same as stating that I am prepared to go out on another date. I don’t see how a physical object made of metal could possibly have anything to do with the fact that I adore Haley. Not a sound.”

After some time has passed, he says, “I will love her until the end of time for mine.” Therefore, I believe that people believe that if I don’t have it on, then I am dating someone in secret. The challenge is that I am coming to the realization that I have not accomplished anything because I have been taking my time. It is providing me with a significant amount of time to reflect over the situation that I will be entering thereafter. Allow me to confess that I am getting closer. My loneliness is growing, and I want for the company of another person.

Another thing that Taylor notes is that people don’t know “how much grieving you do during hospice and during the disease.”

From the moment I tied the knot with her, I was aware that I would have to be the one to bury her. I was aware, before to accepting the marriage, that I would be the one to bury her,” he says. “So, if you don’t believe that I thought that, ‘I would be on my own one day,’ for every single day over the last eight years, then you should know that that kind of thinking did definitely cross my mind. While you are processing your sorrow, you are doing so each time you think about it.

As Taylor contemplates what a potential romantic future could hold for him, he is able to empathize with the possibility that the next lady in his life might not be well welcomed by those who follow the tale of his and Haley’s relationship.

It has resulted in a shift in my perspective on it. To tell you the truth, the next female is the one I feel compassion for the most. I understand it, my followers all have a soft spot for Haley. I really like Haley. Similar to what you mentioned, she is a legend. Among all the women I’ve ever met, she is without a doubt the most remarkable. On the other hand, there will come a moment when I shall proceed with my life,” he adds.

“And I just know what this poor girl is going to just get torn to shreds by — not all of my followers, but some of them who are very loyal to Haley and love her dearly,” she also said. It is without a doubt that they are going to go for her own head.

Weston is credited by Taylor with helping him get through many difficult times, and Taylor says that his son “saved” him. After that, he goes on to explain that he has come to terms with the fact that he may encounter hostility when he begins dating again, but that he will make that choice because it is the best option for both of them involved.

Regardless of how long I wait, it is irrelevant. There are certain individuals for whom it will not be sufficient. And I have come to the conclusion that this is the case, and at the end of the day, I have to do what I want to do. “I have to make decisions that are healthy for me,” he adds.

The fact that Haley is the only person I’ve ever known is the most significant factor that causes me to feel anxious and frightened. My high school love, my soulmate, and my persona all rolled into one with her. We spent our childhoods together. Whatever dates I go on or whatever lady I speak to, I am going to be continuously comparing them, and I am going to have to learn that I am not allowed to do that. I simply know it. You are not being fair to that girl, and you are also not being fair to Haley.

Despite the fact that many people believe that moving on is the same as “replacing Haley,” Taylor describes it as “a new chapter.”

This new version of life is likely to be more challenging than the previous one. There is going to be a significant amount of change… When I speak about Haley, I want that person to be good with it. I also want that person to be okay with me buying pizza for Weston on Haley’s birthday and honoring her every year that she has been with our Lord and Savior. The phrase “not being like, ‘Why do you talk about her all the time?'” is what he emphasizes.

“She was a familiar face in my life for sixteen years. The question is, “How am I not?”

Taylor is under the impression that Haley would “send somebody” his way at the appropriate moment from time to time.

“This is going to be a demanding endeavor. For the last sixteen years, I have been a member of her family. The mere idea that I will be getting to know a new family and that we will most likely be a part of another family is enough to make my stomach turn. “I’m grieving the loss of a lot of things, a lot of people, and a lot of changes that have occurred in my life, and I don’t like change,” he adds. “I’m not much of a change person.”

“I didn’t have a choice but to accept the change. Honestly, I’ll be the first to confess that ever since Haley went away, our little family unit has not been the same. To put it simply, Haley was the bonding agent that kept us all together. The fact that she is no longer among us is like a bomb that has gone off. Her family, we are all still very close to one another and are working on finding a new route in life without our beloved Haley.

“I am just so blessed to be a part of their family and that they still want me to always be a part of the family and that they love getting Weston,” he says as he approaches the conclusion of his statement. Since I believe that they feel more connected to Haley when they are in the company of Weston, I like allowing them to spend as much time as they want in his presence.

By Anna

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