It may come as a surprise, but the person with the longest eyelashes is not a pretty female but rather a dashing young man. And you won’t believe how long they areā€”just 3 inches! Therefore, Muin Rachonaev takes great pride in his one-of-a-kind look.

Because of this particular characteristic, he is even included in the Guinness Book of World Records. In addition, the growth of the eyelashes does not cease, and they continue to become longer over time.

Everyone was taken aback by the baby boy’s appearance when he was first brought into the world. Even the physicians gave him a checkup, and it was obvious that the charming man had just acquired a gift from mother nature.

The fact that Muin had no signs of illness led researchers to infer that his Tajik ancestry was responsible for his excellent state of health. Muin was a Tajik.

By Elen

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