When they arrived at the Pinal County shelter with their two pups and were placed on the passing list, Dr. Deborah Wilson of Circle L. Ranch Animal Rescue & Sanctuary felt she had to do something to rescue a dog and her babies. She is the founder of Circle L. Ranch Animal Rescue & Sanctuary.

While the shepherd mother was tending to her nursing babies, the animal rescue organization got an email informing them that a person in the area was threatening to drown nine Pit Bull puppies if they were not retrieved on the same day.

At that time, Deborah and the group of people working to save animals got together. Deborah devised a plan for how Circle L. Ranch might be of assistance to the pups, and she solicited her shepherd mother’s assistance in carrying it out.

Five pups were taken in by the ranch, but another rescue group took four infants to give them forever homes. They speculated that the pups were between three and four weeks old. They brought their new rescues to her to see how she would respond after seeing how well the mother dog was caring for her two pups. Previously, they had seen how well the mother dog was caring for her babies.

We handed the runt over to the mother, and she sniffed and kissed him before putting him on her nipples, where he started eating as soon as he got there.” It seemed as if she had no complaints about the situation. According to a post that Deborah made on Facebook, “So we brought in the others one by one, and she accepted them all.”

“She is the most amazing mother. In spite of the fact that the new five are of a greater age, they are much younger than her two. The mother is quite content to nurse both of her own children as well as the children she has just adopted.

Deborah commented with relief that “thanks to the kindness of rescuers and the outpouring of support on social media, these precious puppies were saved from drowning.” “All of our young charges will be fed, cared for, spayed and neutered, and eventually adopted out at the ranch,” she remarked. “We are very excited about this.”

It is so uplifting to read how Deborah and other excellent individuals in the animal rescue world are working tirelessly to assist animals such as these outstanding pups and their mother.

By Anna

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