What can possibly be so difficult about acting? Many of us have certainly entertained the idea that we had the makings of a star and that, with a little bit of good fortune and some assistance learning the lines, we could very easily play the part of a leading man or woman in a play or movie. Actors, on the other hand, are well aware that the profession calls for an extraordinary level of talent as well as commitment. It often involves a great deal more than just adopting a persona in order to recite a few lines here and there, while also donning some make-up and perhaps a false mustache.
Would you be prepared to give up your figure in exchange for gaining an excessive amount of weight? Or to embark on a diet for many months in order to achieve the weight reduction necessary for the role? Or, in certain instances, to put up with an agonizing plan for gaining muscle that demands you to spend six hours a day in the gym? It’s true that being a renowned actor isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world to do.
We at Bored Panda have made the decision to pay tribute to those renowned actors and actresses who went to great lengths, both physically and mentally, to represent their roles in the most genuine and correct way possible, and we have chosen to do so by honoring the celebrities whose bodily modifications were the most severe. It is fitting that a number of these performers have been honored with important accolades in recognition of their achievements. Keep scrolling down to discover and find out more about the significant transformations that these performers endured for their trade!
#1 Chris Hemsworth, Thor
Few actors in recent memory have approached the challenge of putting on mass for a movie with as much fervor and significant success as Chris Hemsworth did when he earned the role of Thor. Chris Hemsworth was one of the actors who had to pack on bulk for the film.
In preparation for the first movie, Hemsworth went to the gym with his trainer, Duffy Gaver, a former Navy SEAL. Gaver used an old-school bodybuilding method, paying particular attention to Hemsworth’s arms and shoulders while he worked out. After all, Thor appears shirtless only very seldom, despite the fact that he often doesn’t wear sleeves. Hemsworth put on a total of 20 pounds, establishing the groundwork for a body that he has kept at or near peak shape in order to play the recurrent character of Thor in The Avengers and the standalone sequel, Thor: The Dark World.
When you type the name of the actor into Google, you will see that the first search recommendation is for “Chris Hemsworth Workout.” Hemsworth was a model of consistency, and the body he constructed has made the phrase “Chris Hemsworth Workout” the most popular search suggestion.
“People see Chris, and they think he was on steroids, but he didn’t touch a single substance,” adds Gaver. “He was just naturally gifted.” It consisted only of consuming red meat, lifting large weights, and consuming protein powder. He absolutely dominated each and every session. He just made the decision to dress up as Thor.
#2 Christian Bale, The Machinist
Christian Bale portrays Trevor Reznik, a machinist who suffers from acute insomnia, in the 2004 film adaptation of the novel The Machinist. Reznik suffers from serious weight loss as a direct result of his inability to sleep, which causes him to become incredibly frail. Because Christian Bale’s role required him to seem very skinny, he needed to shed a significant amount of weight in order to prepare for the role. He went from being 173 pounds to 110 pounds over the course of the year. The actor lost 63 pounds by adhering to a strict diet that consisted of eating just one apple and one can of tuna fish every day for over four months. This diet lasted virtually the whole time he was dieting.
This particular eating plan is an extremely low-calorie diet that allows for no more than 260 calories each day. One can (6.5 ounces) of tuna in water has 194 calories, whereas a medium-sized apple (approximately 150 grams) has just 80 calories. The “menu” was finished off with a cup of black coffee and a glass of water.
In addition to an incredibly low calorie consumption, the items that have been selected for this diet are, in and of themselves, metabolism boosters. Coffee’s high caffeine concentration is likely responsible for its ability to speed up the metabolism. The apples have a high concentration of both sugar and pectin, which is a soluble fiber that suppresses hunger.
Christian Bale put in a lot of work at the gym so that he could drop weight more quickly. Workouts focused mostly on strength training or weight lifting, as well as strenuous sessions of cardiovascular exercise, were included in the celebrity’s regimen.
#3 Chris Pratt, Guardians Of The Galaxy
“Thirty or four hours a day of just consistent, ass-kicking hard work,” the worker said. This is the method that “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor Chris Pratt used to lose a total of 60 pounds in a period of six months. When Pratt, who is best known for his role as Andy Dwyer in the comedy ‘Parks and Recreation,’ auditioned for the Marvel movie, he weighed something in the region of 300 pounds.
To help Pratt reach his fitness and nutritional goals, Marvel would team him up with personal trainer Duffy Gaver and nutritionist Phil Goglia. Goglia completely altered Pratt’s diet, increasing the amount of calories he consumed each day to 4,000 and increasing the amount of water he drank to one gallon for every pound that Pratt weighed. “I was urinating constantly, throughout the day, every day. “That portion was a living hell,” Pratt said.
It’s true that Chris Pratt began putting on weight on purpose for his role in Parks and Recreation, but now he’s dedicated to keeping his ripped physique: “It gave me a sense of absolute control,” he stated.
#4 Jake Gyllenhaal, Southpaw
In order to portray the role of a middleweight boxer in the movie ‘Southpaw,’ Jake Gyllenhaal worked out for six hours a day for six months, including time spent in the Las Vegas gym of champion boxer Floyd Mayweather. This allowed Gyllenhaal to develop 15 pounds of muscle.
The director of the movie Southpaw, Antoine Fuqua, has said that “We literally turned him into a beast.” In this movie, Jake is a really electrifying and strong fighter. My goodness, he is incredible. He is extremely dedicated, and he offers all he has. It’s called making a sacrifice.
Because he put in such a significant amount of work for the job and was so dedicated to working out, his relationship with Alyssa Miller came to an end. It is not something that you are eager to do again because of the amount of time you have to put into it and the sacrifice that you put into your body. It’s a really significant time commitment.” Gyllenhaal commented on the arduous training he had to through in order to play the character.
#5 Chris Hemsworth, In The Heart Of The Sea
Chris Hemsworth claims that he shed around 15 pounds while filming the historical naval epic ‘In the Heart of the Sea.’ That may not seem like a significant amount when compared to, for example, the about 60 pounds that Christian Bale notably lost for the role of The Machinist in the film The Machinist, which was released in 2004, but Hemsworth had previously reduced his weight in order to feature in the suspense film Black Hat, which he had filmed immediately before.
“It is quite difficult to chew through that amount of weight when you are already starting out slim. “Every kilogram seems like an extra pound,” he said.
Hemsworth plays the role of a 19th-century sailor named Owen Chase, who is the first mate of a whale ship called the Essex, in the movie that is based on actual events. Chase and the rest of the crew are forced to endure the weather and go without food when their ship is destroyed by a whale. Their only means of transportation is a small, lifeboat-sized vessel.
The cast members’ meals were gradually decreased during the duration of the filming so that they could effectively portray guys who were hungry. The performers had reduced their daily caloric intake to to 500 by the time they started filming on the open sea outside the Canary Islands.
“We kind of went insane, weighing ourselves every day,” Hemsworth adds of the group’s experience. “We all felt like a bunch of supermodels who were trying to get their weight down for a show or something,” one of the models said. That was the only topic that we discussed. When we were out on the water, there were 15 big guys, yet all anybody could speak about was their diet and who had shed the most weight and who was looking extremely slender. It’s just absurd!