“Full House” was an immensely popular comedy that aired in the United States on television from the years 1987 through 1995. Fans had the opportunity to witness their favorite characters, as well as many of the actors who portrayed those characters, mature throughout the course of the series. The sitcom centered on a recently widowed father named Danny Tanner, who was portrayed by the late Bob Saget. Danny reached out to his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis and his son Joey Gladstone, who were portrayed, respectively, by John Stamos and Dave Coulier.
They took care of D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle Tanner, Danny’s three kids, as a unit throughout their childhood. Candace Cameron performed the part of the oldest daughter, Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen portrayed Michelle as a team, and Jodie Sweetin was Stephanie. Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen joined together to play the role of Michelle.
On January 19, 1982, Sweetin was born in the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California. Sweetin started her acting career in television commercials and modest guest appearances while she was still an exceedingly young child. It wasn’t until 1987 that she was cast in the role of Stephanie.
The program was a huge hit, and it taught viewers how to deal with loss, how to grow from their experiences, and how to discover fresh and exciting ways to spend quality time together as a family. Because it was such a hit, it led to the creation of a follow-up television series over 20 years later called “Fuller House,” in which the bulk of the original cast members reprised their roles. In the year 2020, the sequel series came to an end.
Despite the fact that Sweetin is no longer seen on-screen with the Tanner family, she does in fact have a family of her own at this point. Since the month of July 2022, she has been happily married to her spouse, Mescal Wasilewski. In the year 2023, Sweetin described how wonderful her wedding was, including the fact that the very first dress she tried on was the one she ultimately chose to wear.
After her run on “Full House,” Sweetin’s life was complicated by a number of challenges, including three marriages that ended in divorce and struggles with drug addiction. According to E! News, after her time on the sitcom, she remained unemployed for a significant number of years, with the exception of a few gigs here and there. As a consequence, the actress entered a downward spiral, which led to her frequent admissions and discharges from rehabilitation facilities. She was fortunate enough to find a way to stop drinking and is now a supporter of other people’s efforts to do the same.
Sweetin has maintained her career as an actress, making appearances in several television series. In addition, she participated on series including “Dancing with the Stars,” “Worst Cooks in America,” “Beyond the Edge,” and “Name That Tune” during its second season.
She has a starring role in the romantic comedy “Just Swipe,” which was released in 2021 and is about internet dating at a period when it was unheard of. According to TODAY, Sweetin also has a joyful love story in her real life, as she got engaged to her lover, Mescal Wasilewski, in January of 2022. This news was reported by TODAY. On July 30, 2022, the couple tied the knot. CNN states that this was Sweetin’s fourth marriage overall. She was married to Shaun Holguin between the years 2002 and 2006, Cody Herpin between the years 2007 and 2010, and Morty Coyle between the years 2012 and 2016.
In order to honor the momentous event, Sweetin shared a touching message on Instagram. She stated in the post, “I will adore you, Mescal, till the end of time. You’re my person. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us in terms of our life together.”
The actress continued her discussion of her recent engagement by stating, “It’s wonderful.” The sentiments of Sweetin’s family are shared. She went on to say, “My children adore him.” My mother and father adore him. We have a very wonderful small family dynamic here at the office.”
When a couple gets married, it’s typical for the bride and groom to want everything to go smoothly and exactly as planned. This entails shopping for the ideal wedding dress for the majority of the brides. Sweetin said that she only tried on one dress, in contrast to the norm among brides, who often try on anything from a handful to perhaps hundreds of options before making their decision.
Sweetin said that many designers had volunteered to create a dress for her, but by the time she accepted their offers, there were only 75 days left before her wedding, so she was forced to buy something off the rack. She purchased her bridal gown from Lili Bridals, which is the same store that was featured in an episode of “Fuller House.” Zoie Herpin, who is Sweetin’s daughter, was the one who discovered what turned out to be her garment.
“Zoie was the one that picked it off the rack, and it was the first one I tried on, and it was stunning and gorgeous,” Sweetin recounted. “It was the first one I tried on, and it was stunning and gorgeous.” “It was the first dress I put on, and it required changes as far as the hem, simply because it is long. Other than that, though, everything else was like just a tiny bit here and there. It was really close to being ideal.
In August of 2022, Sweetin published a number of stunning photographs from the day of her wedding. She wrote the following in the description of the post: “I kinda can’t stop thinking about this day…”
There is no question that Sweetin was overjoyed with her decision of a dress, but she is much more pleased with her selection of a partner to spend the rest of her life with. She said this to PEOPLE:
“Being around Mescal makes me feel completely at ease and secure, which enables me to shine as brightly as I need to.” He takes responsibility and is there for my daughters. And we have such beautiful harmonies. In all honesty, I couldn’t have asked for a better teammate than him.”