Although they were brought to the Jackson County Animal Shelter together with their mother and their other siblings, Sour Cream and Onion have always had a unique connection. The two are inseparable and would spend every waking moment at the shelter together; in fact, their constant proximity caused the employees responsible for their care to have some moments of mild bewilderment.
According to Lydia Sattler, who is the director of animal services at the Jackson County Animal Shelter, “They spent so much time being as near to each other as possible, that it was often impossible to determine where one started and the other stopped.” The Dodo was informed of this information by Sattler.
One day, Sour Cream and Onion were lazing together, and the staff couldn’t resist taking their photo since they looked so adorable together. They uploaded the picture to their Facebook page and referred to the two of them as a two-headed kitty. As soon as people saw it, they went absolutely crazy over the cute duo.
According to what was said on the animal shelter’s website, “Rare Find: Adopt this 2-Headed Cat and You Get a Great Deal.”
The employees at the animal shelter had no clue how much of a stir the photograph would stir up; there was a great deal of controversy around the identity of the two adorable kittens and whether or not they are in reality part of a single two-headed cat.
While Sour Cream and Onion are not in fact a two-headed kitty, when they are tangled up like that, it certainly gives the impression that they are. They really like being close to one another and purring together, and if that makes them seem to be a two-headed cats, then they couldn’t care less about what other people think of them.
It’s very evident that the siblings have a deep and abiding affection for one another, and it’s a good thing that everyone else recognizes this fact and agrees that they shouldn’t be split apart. A lady who saw the two pets for the first time and immediately fell in love with them recently gave them both new homes together.
“She was meant to be at work when she HAD to come to the shelter to adopt them… which is something that we always support,” said Sattler. “We are really happy for her.”
Now that Sour Cream and Onion have the most excellent home together, they can spend their days looking like the cutest two-headed kitten that has ever existed, cuddling up together and spending their time in the finest environment possible.