At the Spartanburg Humane Society, an adorable dog by the name of Chauncey was sitting all by herself in her kennel when she stuck her head through a hole at the bottom of the door. She stood there transfixed as yet another dog was adopted and led away by its new owners from the animal shelter.

It may have been something in her breed, or it could have been the fact that she wasn’t as outgoing as the other dogs. Whatever the cause, it was very evident that Chauncey was having a difficult time finding a place that she could call her her permanently.

According to Angel Cox, CEO of the Spartanburg Humane Society, who was interviewed by The Dodo, “Chauncey is quite timid until she gets to know you.” “There was so much barking and continuous bustle at the shelter that she sort of watched the world go by,” the author writes.

The employees at the shelter were inconsolable for Chauncey. They were aware that the bright little dog may grow up to be a wonderful companion for someone, and they wished that someone would give her a chance. As Chauncey waited day after day, the staff workers kept her company by petting and walking with her for extended periods of time.

According to Cox, “She really adored being carried and led all about by the staff and the volunteers.” Since she behaves so well when walked on a leash, she quickly became a volunteer favorite.

When it turned out that Chauncey’s original home wasn’t the right match for him, the puppy was sent back to the humane society. Despite the fact that things had not gone as planned, Chauncey was not going to give up on the idea of locating her relatives.

Eventually, another family strolled in after entering the building after seeing a post on Facebook about Chauncey. This time around, Chauncey was prepared to show off all of the endearing qualities that make up her personality. It became immediately apparent that they were meant to be together.

According to Cox, “she sold herself straight away.” “She is a really loving dog, and her gentleness won them over,” said the owner of the pet.

As the workers at the humane society saw Chauncey depart with her family, they were happy to see that the dog had finally found a home where she could call herself a member of the family.

“We were so thrilled for her to find a terrific home, but we always miss them when they go,” said Cox. “We were very delighted for her to find a nice home for her.” “When kids are adopted, it obviously brings up a lot of mixed emotions, but ultimately, we are always pleased on the inside.”

By Elen

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