Russell Crowe, star of the film “Gladiator,” recently said that he is inconsolable at the sudden passing of his dog, Louis, who was involved in a terrible accident on the day that marked the second anniversary of his father’s passing. The actor said that the black and white Papillion puppy, which was 16 months old and struck by a vehicle on March 30, 2023, could not be rescued at the veterinary facility where it was sent after the accident.
Crowe revealed the passing of his dog on Twitter, saying that Louis passed away as he was holding him. His sole solace came from the fact that he was able to express to the family pet one more time how much affection the family had for him before the animal passed on to the next life.
According to Psych Central, the loss of a pet may be tremendously traumatic for many people who own pets since they are often seen as surrogate children by their owners. During an interview during a radio program in Australia, Crowe said that since their life as a family were “wrapped around” Louis, it would be difficult for them to get over the loss of him.
It is possible that the passing of the dog is even more heartbreaking since it occurred on the second anniversary of the passing of John Alexander Crowe, the actor’s father. On March 30, 2021, the older Crowe family member suddenly away while traveling from Sydney to Coffs Harbour by plane. According to the reports, the actor’s grandfather had cardiopulmonary resuscitation aboard the airplane for around 18 to 20 minutes till the aircraft landed. He had reached the age of 85.
The famous actor from Hollywood relocated his family to Coffs Harbour before his father went away so that he could be there for his mother and father during the lockdowns. Crowe said to Extra TV that his parents had been experiencing age-related health problems for quite some time, which is why he was OK with the choice to move in and stay with his parents.
On previous occasions, the actor has discussed his pet Papillion, Louis, on his Twitter account. In December of 2022, Crowe published a photograph on his website in which he and his dog wore identical versions of a trendy shirt.
The celebrity tweeted, “I’m not at all a fan of dressing dogs up, however, a buddy got little Louis a Ralph Lauren polo so that he can match with dad.” The polo was purchased by Ralph Lauren. “My guess is that the other dogs on the farm will start feeling envious of you. Very hilarious.”
Crowe also uploaded a picture of another puppy in the family in August of 2020. This particular canine was the lone offspring of its litter, which was a rare occurrence. The actor is well-known for his compassion for animals; in fact, he used to go about town with a dog by his side since he could not bear to leave the puppy home alone.
In 2014, as they were shooting the historical drama “Noah,” director Darren Aronofsky made a pledge to actor Russell Crowe that no animals would be mistreated or stressed out during the production’s lengthy working hours. Instead, the producers had to rely on cutting-edge digital technology in order to bring the CG creatures to life on the big screen.
Crowe also penned a memorial for his mother’s rescued cat, which passed away in the year 2020. According to the actor who plays Cinderella Man, his mother made a request for a pet cat in 2003, but he refused to give in to her request. During one of the breaks in shooting, he was out with some buddies riding bikes when he came upon an abandoned cat. He took the animal home with him. He had the impression that this was fate, so he brought the cat home to his mother, who gave the cat the name Cinders.
According to Good Morning America, Crowe said the following about Cinders: “She had never grown up to be entirely trusting of people, however, she adored my mom and my mum loved her.” “Never once did she scratch me. I saw it as a sign of thanks.”