Junior is an exceptionally handsome young man. Everyone, including his own parents, was taken aback when they first laid eyes on him. The fact of the matter is that Junior was born with hair that was already rather full and mature. And that was incredibly strange and disturbing to think about.

The peculiar condition is only expected to endure for a short while, according to the physicians, who anticipated that the loss of hair would occur at some point in the future. But everything seemed to be working against it. Every month, the hair appeared to grow an additional inch or two in length.

According to Junior’s mother, it was challenging for the two of them to go out together. Junior. They were unable to go to the store or stroll around parks because others would approach them and want to touch the baby’s hair. This prevented them from going to the store.

As was to be anticipated, the density did ultimately decrease, but the boy did not lose any of his charming or attractive qualities.

By Elen

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