Her wild mane has made a 17-month-old infant an internet celebrity! Layla Davis has been diagnosed with Uncombable Hair Syndrome. Uncountable Hair syndrome is a rare illness that damages the hair shafts. The disease is typically determined by the color and texture of the hair. The majority of people with this rare illness have straight, wheat-colored or silvery blond hair that won’t lay down flat.
Additionally, it’s common to think of their hair as being dry and coarse. In an interview with USA Today, dermatologist expert Dr. Luis Garza of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine underlined that this condition is not hazardous but rather a genetic disorder that affects how hair grows from the scalp. Garza claims that while hair generally grows in a cylinder shape, a circle would appear if the bottom were removed. When you cut it under these circumstances, it appears more like a triangle with an irregular groove than a circular. The varied ways that the hair grows directly affect the person’s ability to maintain it.
According to Garza, less than 1 in 1,000 persons will get Uncountable Hair Syndrome. Layla is one of the 100 individuals with this rare condition who have been identified in the world. Layla’s mother, Charlotte Davis, spoke with Daily Mail about the amusing nicknames her daughter’s wild hair has inspired as well as how pleased she was when her daughter’s illness was finally discovered.
Charlotte told The Daily Mail that Layla’s hair was changing as she got older.
She was fluffy from about the age of one, the mother of two told the informant. “After that, it started spreading forth ever further.”
Charlotte confessed that at first she was “in denial” and thought her daughter’s hair “was going to go flat.” Knowing daughter Layla had Uncountable Hair Syndrome brought solace to the devoted mother.
I am beyond happy to have the diagnosis because it’s so rare, said Charlotte.
It is extremely unlikely that you will ever acquire it because there are only 100 people in the world who do. I put off having her tested for it in part because of this.
Because of her wild hair, Layla has received a few hilarious nicknames. Charlotte claims that her mother often calls her daughter by names like Boris Johnson and Albert Einstein.
Charlotte has observed that, despite Layla still being a toddler, the 17-month-old has begun paying more attention to her hair, partly because others have begun highlighting it.
She has started doing it herself, according to Charlotte, who added, “I don’t know if it’s because other people touch and ruffle her hair.”
She stated, “My two-year-old child has observed that his hair is different. Additionally, he occasionally rubs both his and her hair.
As she becomes older and more aware of them, Charlotte hopes her child learns how “amazing” her quirks make her. I don’t think she appreciates how fantastic it is, the speaker stated, adding, “I just want her to grow up knowing it’s awesome even though she doesn’t look like other people.
By the time the child enters puberty, the illness may spontaneously go away, according to experts. Because it is such a rare ailment, research into the reasons is still ongoing.