Upon seeing a dog tethered to the rails, the conductor of this Chilean train pulled his train to a halt. Afterward, the brave guy jumps down and rescues the dog. He even managed to get a picture of it. An inquiry has been opened by the police in the hopes of identifying the perpetrator(s) of such brutality.
The train driver in Chile’s Valparaso Region, Andres Fabricio Argandoa Tapia, saw some movement on the trucks while operating the train. When he drew closer to the object, he slammed on the brakes, even though he couldn’t see what it was. Puppies tied on railroad rails were making frantic attempts to get free.
Aboard his locomotive, the train’s conductor jumped to the rescue of the abandoned car. The conductor’s camera clip shows the dog’s frantic attempts to free itself from the chain, which is clearly visible. After the friendly motorist liberated the dog, it bolted off in the other direction.
“How is it possible for there to be individuals like this?” In the terrible video, the train conductor laments, “Who left young dogs tied up on the tracks?” Do not try to do that.” “I hope the human race evolves sometimes.”
In the wake of this horrific incident, investigators are scrambling to determine who is responsible.
The mayor of the city, Edgardo Gonzalez, stated, “We condemn and reject this act against a defenseless animal, and we are glad for the behavior of the motorist who saved its life.”