The fans of America’s Got Talent to get to see a wide array of exceptional performers each week. The show consistently features unexpected turns from its cast members.
There were some that made us cringe, some that made us laugh out loud, and then there were those that were just amazing.
When mother and son duo Alla and Daniel Novikov hit the stage, they not only astounded the audience with their incredible dancing talents but also with the revelation that they are related to one other.
In Saratov, Russia, at a place named Edelweiss, Alla Novikova started her training as a dancer in the ballroom dancing style. She had just turned 9 years old.
Novikova was unable to fathom a world in which she did not dance. Alla won a number of regional and national contests in Russia over the course of two years, including the most prestigious international dance competition that was held in Moscow.
When she started her profession as a teacher, she was just 13 years old.
After being married to Alexander Novikov in 2006, Alla followed him to the United States, where they both maintained their careers as professional dancers.
In 2007, they had their first child, a son named Daniel. This young man has inherited the talents of his parents. Daniel had already won a big number of dancing championships at the age of 8, despite the fact that he was just 8.
With his mother at his side, this young Russian hopeful was about to win the hearts of the judges.
Howie Mandel, Mel B., Heidi Klum, and Simon Cowell were going to be in for a big surprise when they arrived in Russia.
It would seem that Simon was drawn to Alla because of the lovely pink outfit she was wearing. Having said that, nobody could possibly miss her.
Daniel attends to the particulars, revealing to the audience that he is the son of this lovely woman in the process. My apologies, Simon.
Daniel is asked by Simon if dancing was something that he wanted to do or whether his mother pushed him into it. This young man claims categorically that he coerced the other person. That’s quite the comeback! However, it made for excellent television. They have a crush on him!
They get ready to dance after first establishing to Simon that their mother is still married to their father.
Both Daniel on the left and Alla on the right are in striking positions, which readily gives the idea that these two are not amateurs. Daniel is on the left, while Alla is on the right.
And when the song “Moves like Jagger” by Maroon 5 begins to play, Alla makes a tiny salsa hip dip as Daniel moonwalks and spins across the stage.
A resounding “WOAH!” from the audience sums up everyone’s reaction. The judges are taken aback when Daniel flashes a grin while doing a few ballroom dances in unison with his mother. At this point, they are simply flabbergasted. Those expressions!
Heidi and Simon erupt into grins as soon as mother and son finally grasp one other’s hands for a little ballroom blast; nevertheless, what occurs next elevates it to an entirely new level and brings it to the forefront of their minds.
Alla and Daniel eventually part ways before he runs off to find his mother, leaping into the air with Alla’s assistance as he does so, and landing on his feet.
At this moment, everyone watching is aware that Daniel’s maneuvers are far more impressive than Jagger’s.
He takes a pose with his back turned to the throng as his mother towers above him like the beautiful Russian that she is. Awesome!
Getting a standing ovation in and of itself is a wonderful experience, but to have Simon praise you as well? Wow.
The judges are beaming with happiness as they heap compliments on Alla and Daniel’s performance.
The four people are in complete agreement that they have never previously seen anything that is even comparable to these two. Because of this, it should come as no surprise that Novikova was successful in convincing all four to accept.
Take a look at this wonderful dance performed by a woman and her kid down below!