Dogor, which translates to “Friend” in the Yakut language that is spoken in the area, was the name given to the puppy, who was thought to have just been two months old when it died away. It was recently investigated at the Swedish Centre for Paleogenetic Research after being found in the region of the Indigirka River in Siberia, which is located to the north-east of Yakutsk (CPG).

The ice has acted like a natural refrigerator and preserved the old dog in amazingly fine shape, complete with its hair, whiskers, and teeth. However, the researchers are still confused as to which species this intriguing creature originally belonged to.

Initial genome sequencing was not able to determine whether the specimen is a wolf, a canine, or possibly a proto-dog common ancestor of the two species. Despite the fact that the work has actually managed to discover that the specimen is male and approximately 18,000 years old, the researchers were not able to determine which species it belonged to.

” The Centre has Europe’s largest DNA financial institution of all canines from around the globe, yet in this situation they could not identify it from the very first try,” Love DalĂ©n, a teacher of evolutionary genetics at the CPG, told The Siberian Times. ” The Centre has Europe’s largest DNA financial institution of all canines from around the globe.”

“I find this very interesting; but, what if it’s a dog? According to Sergey Fedorov, who works at the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, “We can’t wait to hear findings from future experiments.”

About 32,500 years ago, people started to settle in this northern region of Russia, which is now Russia. In addition, earlier research has shown that there is a strong possibility that humans domesticated dogs from wolves anywhere between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago. This indicates that Dogor might, in theory, fit anywhere within this spectrum as a devoted family dog, a hungry wild wolf, or anything else that falls anywhere in between.

The freezing process produces the optimal conditions for the preservation of biological substances. The bone-chilling temperature levels are merely low enough to stop the majority of microbial and fungal development that would otherwise disintegrate the body if they were allowed to continue, but they are not cold enough to destroy the body’s tissues. Sometimes, if the circumstances are just right, scientists are also able to get bits of viable DNA that may be used to sequence the genome of the bacterium that is the subject of their investigation.

A skull of an ice age wolf that was found to be 40,000 years old and still clad in its skin and hair was discovered in the Abyisky region of northern Yakutia last year. This is yet another astounding illustration of how ice can preserve organic material.

Over the course of the last couple of decades, researchers have extracted hundreds of wooly mammoth remains from the permafrost that covers Siberia and other parts of the world. A mammoth with the name “Yuka” that is 28,000 years old and was discovered in Siberia in the summer of 2010 close to the mouth of the Kondratievo River is one of the most well-known and extensively researched samples. Although there is still a significant amount of work to be done, researchers have also been mulling about the possibility of utilizing the DNA of mammoths that have been stored in permafrost in order to bring the extinct species back to life and save it from extinction.

By Elen

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