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A number of absolutely remarkable things have been created out of Lego. However, this 10-year-old has managed to construct something that has smashed all previous records.
Lego is a popular toy among children. It’s the ideal toy in every way. One of the primary reasons individuals opt to have children is the ability to relive their childhood memories of playing with Lego.
Brynjar Karl, on the other hand, is unrivaled when it comes to Lego mastery.
Karl is originally from Iceland. Karl began his development in the same way that any other youngster would.
However, at the age of three, it became clear that he was different from the others.
“All of a sudden, I found myself unable to express what I wanted to.
“All of the words I had learnt vanished into a cloud […] I went from being a happy youngster to being a sad and lonely boy,” says the author. Brynjar Karl is a writer and musician from Iceland.
This state of misunderstanding persisted for the following two years. Karl’s parents brought him to see a specialized doctor when he was five years old.
Karl was diagnosed with autism shortly after that, according to the doctor.
In Karl’s case, his parents and instructors were able to make adjustments that were beneficial to his growth, such as educating him using visuals rather than words.
Karl’s autism enabled him to succeed and become an expert in a variety of fields.
He was capable of building fantastic structures out of Lego. Ships, in particular, piqued his interest. As a result, he conducted extensive research on ships.
Naturally, Karl coupled his expertise with Lego with his love of ships to create a unique combination.
Karl had become an expert on the Titanic by the time he was ten years old.
Of course, everyone is familiar with the term “Titanic.” Karl, on the other hand, is well-versed on the subject.
Then Karl came up with the brilliant idea of building a scale replica of the Titanic out of Lego. He would work on the assumption that a normal Lego guy had the same height and weight as an average-sized person.
Karl started researching the Titanic’s plans in more depth than he had ever done before. Then Karl’s granddad assisted him in formulating a plan for constructing the prototype.
As a result, Karl started gathering money online in order to purchase the Lego bricks that he required. He need a total of 56,000 pieces.
Karl set to work as soon as he had finished purchasing the bricks.
Karl put up a total of 700 hours over the course of the following 11 months to complete his replica.
The completed ship measures six and a half meters in length.. In terms of scale, it is the biggest Titanic replica in the world.
As a bonus, Karl made a key discovery while working on the Lego Titanic project.
The secret to getting me to the finish line was revealed to me. A quote by the Icelandic author Brynjar Karl.
A valuable lesson was gained: he must trust in himself.
He discovered that he required the proper group of people to see him through to the end of the project.. For him, it was his family who had to deal with the situation. Last but not least, he discovered the importance of never giving up on his dreams.
After finishing his Titanic, Karl was 11 years old.
In high school, he’s now a senior citizen. When he grows older, he hopes to work as a marine captain.
A captain’s desire, passion, and ability are all evident in Karl’s performance. In the process of building a Lego Titanic, he learned that success is within his grasp.
His message and stories have also been shared with others by the teenager.
In 2016, he gave a TED Talk that was warmly welcomed. People have been saying the following things about him on the internet:
Clearly, Karl is motivating others to achieve their goals no matter what obstacles they face. And that, together with his Titanic facsimile, is a remarkable accomplishment on his part.
Watch the TED Talk below…