A dolphin and a dog had an unplanned meeting on the beach in a situation that has never been seen before. Despite the fact that it is quite unusual for these two animals to connect, it turns out that dogs and dolphins are extremely fond of one another. We’ve seen them share amazing moments several times before, and this one is no exception to the rule!
The adventure of a lifetime occurred to Anastasia Vinnikova while walking her dog, Patrick, on the beach with her husband, Alexander.
The couple was enjoying the sunset on the Opuk beach on Crimea’s Black Sea coast when Anastasia observed a school of dolphins swimming quite close to the shore. They decided to investigate. But, as she soon discovered, they were becoming even closer.
In a wonderful effort to engage with the dog, one of the dolphins suddenly swam towards the coast, almost reaching the shoreline. Curiosity piqued the lively dog’s interest, and it didn’t take long before the two got involved in a game of chase through the tranquil waves with the friendly aquatic critter.
For a few of minutes, the dolphin returned to the water and came within inches of the shoreline on a number of occasions. The meeting was completely unexpected. Patrick comes dangerously close to touching the marine mammal’s tail when pursuing it into the sea on one occasion.
It was Anastasia who captured the heartwarming moment on camera and posted it online, and the internet can’t seem to get enough of it.
Patricia has touched a dolphin, but the lady has not, according to her Instagram post. “No one was wounded in the video,” says the director. Currently, the dolphins are swimming towards the coast in order to collect fish.”
Watch the moment here: