When you lose a pet that you adore, it is really difficult to cope. It’s for this reason that pet owners usually keep their cherished dogs or cats close at hand.

The previous dog of a guy who works as a life coach was lost. He was 49 years old at the time. He made the decision to buy a new dog in order to deal with his sadness. Mitzi was the name he gave to the dog.

A bond developed between the dog and the man, and the two were inextricably linked. The dog used to be referred to as a business partner by the dog’s owner.

Unfortunately, the dog became separated from its family when it was a year old. Mitzi was terrified of another dog, which is why he took off running. A guy searched everywhere for a dog, but his efforts were fruitless.

The guy spent the whole night searching for the dog. He was in a state of despair. The guy feared that the dog would succumb to his fears.

The next day, the guy uploaded the image on social media in the hopes of locating the dog in this manner. Another guy called him a short time later to tell that his dog had scented something in the foxhole. He went to check it out and found nothing.

Following the phone call, the guy quickly traveled to a location where he suspected his dog may be.

Upon hearing his dog whimpering, the guy began digging a hole in the ground and pulled it out of the hole. Strangers also assisted him in completing the task.

Their reunion was so heartwarming as the gentleman dragged him out of the bushes. Everyone in this room sobbed. It was finally a Christmas gift for a guy who had survived the trauma of believing he’d lost his pet dog for all time on his birthday.

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By Elen

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