A pit bull named Abigail was surrendered to an animal shelter where she was mistreated.
He had lost a portion of the skin on her face as well as a portion of her ear, therefore this was an evident reason for his actions.
Poor Abigail had sustained multiple horrendous wounds, according to the veterinarian, as a result of previous dogfights in which he had participated.
Fortunately, she was honored as ” HeroDog of the Year” at the annual awards dinner of the American Humane Society.
When images of her injuries were originally posted on Facebook a year ago, a lady from Florida, Victoria Fraser, who runs a non-profit organization called ‘Love is FurEver Dog Rescue,’ decided to act to rescue her from a dangerous position.
He was really concerned that Abigail might be put down and chose to take her to Pets First Wellness Center for wound repair and a regenerative skin transplant to ease his anxiety.
In light of Abigail’s loss of her right ear, Fraser started to wrap a headscarf over her and our shining star was once again present, secure, and sound.
As a result of viewing what he was wearing on his head, network users responded by sending him more hats and other items.
Abigail has moved into her new everlasting home in Fort Mayers, Florida, where she will live happily ever after with Megan and Jason Steinkers.
Megan made the following statement once. My puppy is very lovely, kind, and forgiving; his nice character will undoubtedly motivate others to preserve stray dogs. “You can see how he looked many months ago, and how he is now.”
Abigail took up the prize for the hero of the year at the 16th Beverly Hills gala, which took place in September. She beat out all of her competitors.
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