Yana Gromovich weighs just 25 kg and stands at around one meter in height. Since patients with this hereditary ailment have very delicate joints and bones, our protagonist is confined to a wheelchair and must utilize it in order to move about. The upbeat young woman did not give up; in fact, she stays in contact with her friends and works as a consultant for a cosmetics company. She only just gave her approval to move in with her boyfriend, who is a separate individual.

Even though his love is capable of taking care of herself, the young guy nevertheless carries her about the rooms while making comments about how light she is. He does this despite the fact that she is capable of taking care of herself.

It is said that Volodya and Yana first became acquainted via common acquaintances, and while he did not speak out at their first encounter, Yana took the initiative to initiate discussion. After exchanging few letters, they came to the conclusion that they loved one another and soon after began going out together. It is essential to take into account that they have been dating for close to two years at this point.

In passing, I might mention that everyone in the little town knows this charming couple since they are usually grinning at each other and like chitchatting.

On the other hand, many people were mystified as to how a robust guy could concentrate on Yana.

The couple relocated to the city so that they would no longer have to hear these unsettling tales. The girl has the misconception that the city is larger if fewer people pay attention to it. Vova works everywhere he can since he does not have a formal degree and is nine years younger than his fiancee. This allows him to increase his income as much as possible. In the not too distant future, he sees himself working as a truck driver.

The young people divide their responsibilities for taking care of the home between Yana, who is in charge of food preparation, and Vova, who is in charge of house cleaning. They make an effort to spend as much time as they can outdoors and less time inside the house. While pushing the child around in the wheelchair around the park, the dad would often carry the girl in his arms. Due to the weakness in both of her arms, she is unable to control the chair on her own for a lengthy period of time.

By Elen

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