One day, when she was wandering, a pregnant, blind dog accidently slipped into a body of water. She was swept away by a powerful river until, luckily, she came across a mound of rubbish that she climbed to get some relief.

Police officers in the area heard her screams and knew what to do to rescue her. Holding a safety rope, one of them dove into the river.

The water was so powerful that it caused him to lose his balance and put his life in jeopardy. A fellow officer swam to rescue him. The dog didn’t move as it was starting to lose hope.

An unidentified guy unexpectedly showed up with his inflatable boat and enabled the boat to carry him to where the dog was. He lacked both protection and weapons.

The dog was too frightened and uneasy when he discovered her. She seemed to have gone through a lot, and she was unwilling to let anybody touch her.

Then the guy gave her a long pet. When the dog was comfortable enough to do so, he grabbed her and placed a rope around her neck. Following that, the cops began to drag the dog through the current

Blind and pregnant dog struggling to survive when trapped in strong current!

Despite being successfully rescued, the dog was suffering from the cold.

Blind and pregnant dog struggling to survive when trapped in strong current!

The cops then brought her to the vet, where it was found that her sole problem was a cold. Her body temperature gradually reverted to normal.

By Elen

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