During the Christmas season, “The Little Drummer Boy” is a well-known folk tune. Despite this, it took ten years for this traditional Czech song to establish itself as a popular choice. Since then, a great number of well-known singers have exerted a great deal of effort to infuse it with new vitality.

This song has been sung by quite a few different singers, ranging from Bing Crosby to Justin Bieber. Just when we believed we had reached the end of rendition, Carrie Underwood’s album, which is scheduled to be released in 2020, will surprise the world.

There is no question that the country diva has blown everyone away with her past albums, but this one is certain to get people thrilled. The eleventh tune on the CD is a duet that she sang with her son, Isaiah. “The Little Drummer Boy” is being sung by the child, who is five years old.

Carrie said that she had some reservations about working with her child. You will, however, come to the conclusion that he did an outstanding job once you hear him. In addition to this, she is of the opinion that her child has a strong resemblance to the child described in the stories. A release date of December 25th has been set for it. In addition to her own composition, the CD has a selection of traditional Christmas songs.

Please take the time to listen to and enjoy this mother-son duet, and if you have any thoughts, please share them in the comments section of Facebook.

By Elen

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