There are some couples who are overjoyed when they learn that they are going to have a child for the first time. On the other hand, it is not as light when one of the partners is temporarily infertile and completely oblivious of their wife’s pregnancy during the whole pregnancy. This is precisely what happened with the reader of our work. It will be up to him to determine whether he will have the kid or if he will divorce his wife.
You will need to use every ounce of your might in order to come to a decision on this challenging circumstance. Make sure you give yourself some time to work through your feelings before you attempt to have a chat with your wife. The feelings of astonishment, anger, and betrayal are quite normal.
Ensure that you give yourself the time and space to comprehend your own emotions. It is quite likely that you will experience regrets and issues that are not essential if you act on your inclination at this moment. Once you have calmed down and recovered from your sleep, make the ultimate choice.
Determine what should be your top priority.
Now is the time for you to make a decision on whether you will remain with your wife or depart. It would be pointless to urge her to make a decision since it is quite likely that she would keep the kid and divorce you.
She made her decision, and it’s possible that she took into consideration the possibility that you could also be thinking about getting a divorce. However, after assessing the benefits and drawbacks, she still became pregnant. You are unable to alter her decision, and it is up to you to decide whether you will go or remain.
Give up if you are not going to be able to deal with it.
If you do not accept the kid in its whole, you will surely develop feelings of animosity against them. It is quite probable that you may inadvertently do harm to the kid by the words or acts that you choose to use. You are aware that the kid is not yours; thus, you must determine whether or not you are capable of providing the necessary care for them in the manner of a responsible father.
After the actions that she took without your permission, you will need to show your wife some appropriate respect. The moment has come for you to go if you are unable to forgive her.
Try getting assistance from a professional.
Consider participating in couples therapy if you are interested in addressing this problem in your relationship but are unsure how to get started. In addition to this, you could think about getting the assistance of a counselor or therapist. You and your partner may benefit from the impartial and supportive atmosphere that a professional can give for you to communicate your emotions, get a deeper understanding of one another, and work together to find a solution.
The prospect of their partner cheating on them is something that haunts the minds of several couples. One of our readers, on the other hand, has been attempting to get her partner to steal from her. For the purpose of this post, we will discuss the specifics of this tale as well as the reasons why she want to do it.