When individuals are in a love relationship, they often discover that they are prepared to make major sacrifices for the other person. It is possible that they will alter their diets, improve their outfits, or give up on unhealthy behaviors. When it comes to people’s dogs, on the other hand, the situation might be very different.

Not too long ago, a young guy of 22 years old posted his predicament on the website Reddit. He divulged the fact that his fiancée of seven months had presented him with a choice: either he relinquishes his cherished feline companion, Mittens, or the two of them will stop their relationship.

His girlfriend, who was a staunch vegan, contended that having a cat was a violation of her values since she was a vegan.

According to the explanation that the guy provided in his article, “I’ve been dating my girlfriend for seven months.” In many respects, we are really compatible with her, and she is great. At the beginning of our relationship, she made it quite apparent that she was a vegan who is open about her beliefs, and that it was essential for her to have a possible mate who shared her commitment to avoiding cruelty. My move to a diet consisting entirely of plant-based foods was quite easy for me since I am a pescatarian. My fiancée was pleased with me for avoiding contact with animals, and everything seemed to be going well. During our time at the university, we were known as “the vegan couple.”

Nevertheless, the problem of his cat, Mittens, continued to be a concern in the background. There have been three years since I’ve got her, and I love her. She has a very kind and affectionate demeanor. Due to the fact that she did not grow up with cats, my girlfriend was always a bit nervous around her. She blamed him for this. After some time had passed, we had kind of come to an arrangement that we would spend most of our time hanging out at her place rather than mine, and as a result, Mittens was never really brought up in discussion.

During the epidemic, the couple’s relationship became more intimate, and they started talking about the possibility of moving in together. This resulted in a serious chat in which his fiancée revealed a shocking revelation: she could not envision a future with him unless he was prepared to give up Mittens. She stated that the ownership of a cat violated the ideals of veganism due to the fact that cats hunt and consume meat.

“I was completely taken aback,” he wrote. “I conveyed to her that I was not in the least bit eager to have Mittens taken away from me. Since she had no other option than to consume meat, I was attempting to minimize the amount of danger she was subjected to by purchasing cat food from respected manufacturers. There are a lot of vegans who are also cat owners and who believe in the same way. For some reason, my partner became enraged and said, “How much meat does your cat consume?” With all of that food, how many animals had to be sacrificed? Do you think it would be OK for it to be human flesh?'”

The guy, who was experiencing feelings of frustration, terminated the talk and departed her residence. His happiness was dimmed when his girlfriend emailed him a link to a Reddit post calling for the extinction of domestic cats. He took Mittens home with him and cuddled with him, but his mood was dampened when he received the link.

The fact that I am not going to get rid of my cat is something that I believe should go without saying. However, it is quite distressing to contemplate the possibility that a relationship that is otherwise fantastic may be coming to an end due to a divergence in ideas. Considering that, as I said earlier, a significant number of vegans are also cat owners, I find it difficult to comprehend the perspective of my girlfriend.

Following that, he explained that his girlfriend’s severe views on domestic cats were not reflective of the vegan and vegetarian community as a whole in a second update that was posted on the subreddit known as “relationship advice.” “I do believe that new vegans can be a little bit overzealous at times,” as the saying goes. In point of fact, the majority of us are just doing all in our power to avoid causing any harm to animals!

He also disclosed that they had ended their relationship. The statement that he made was, “I would never, ever give up my cat Mittens.” “Many users said that this situation was about control, not veganism, and looking back, I do see a pattern of control on my girlfriend’s part,” he said after reflecting on the matter. “Many users said that this situation was about control.”

Given the problems that were occurring in their relationship, he ultimately came to the conclusion that it was appropriate for them to split ways. In a circumstance like this, would you have acted in the same manner?

By Elen

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