If you have lost a kid, there is no greater feeling of loss than that. The misery that you are experiencing is unlike any other, and unfortunately, it does not go away easily.

There are a lot of people who are devastated when they find out that their children have a condition or disease. Although the fight against such diseases may be challenging and stressful, as long as parents can maintain the belief that there is a chance for their kid to heal, they will never give up.

The diagnosis of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a rare brain stem tumor, was given to Adalynn “Addy” Sooter when she was just four years old. Unfortunately, the chances were not in the family’s favor, and they were cautioned to prepare themselves for the worst possible outcome.

After a period of 18 months, Addy’s health began to decline significantly as the condition continued to worsen. The symptoms that Addy is experiencing have become more severe over the course of the previous day and a half, according to her father Matt, who has created a Facebook page in order to keep track of his daughter’s fight. Yesterday, she awakened as the feisty and lively version of herself. Despite the fact that we continue to pay our infant a visit on occasion, she is no longer able to feed or swallow without difficulty, and she is now sleeping the most of the time. As a result, we have decided to place her in inpatient care. It is quite likely that she does not have much time left.

In addition, Matt asked his family and friends to pray for his son Jackson, who was having a hard time coping with the illnesses that his sister was experiencing. It is unacceptable for a little child to have to part ways with his partner in crime, playmate, closest friend, or little sister, as stated in the letter that Matt sent.

Jackson was never more than a hair’s breadth away from his sister. He stayed at her side till the last end, which was tragic. Simply as he was saying his last goodbyes to his younger sister and reminded her of how much he loved her, Addy passed away in the middle of the night.

In utter disarray On Addy’s Facebook page, Mark was the one who conveyed the awful news.

In the same manner that she had lived her life, she died away in the same manner that she had lived it: resolutely but calmly, with her family at her side. The message indicated that she did not experience any discomfort right up to the very end. The fact that this is merely a temporary farewell does not change the fact that we miss our darling daughter profoundly.

Both of Addy’s tumors, which were located in her brain and spine, were donated to a scientific research organization in the “hopes of saving future children from a similar fate.”

“Our sweet girl loved serving others and giving gifts, so we thought this would be an excellent way of showing her giving heart,” they stated on Facebook. “We thought this would be an excellent way to show her giving heart.”

We are overcome with grief by the passing of this family. As they go through this challenging time, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

By Elen

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