Visits to cemeteries are not something that anybody appreciates doing for the right reasons. We have been informed of hundreds of cases in which mourners have misunderstood the occurrence of “something” as a communication from a member of their family who has lately passed away. There are also heartfelt testimonials from those who have passed away, which provide evidence that paradise does in fact exist. On the other hand, if we have not given it any thought, we will never be able to fully accept it.
Going to cemeteries is not what I like doing. Despite the fact that I continue to think about my mother on a daily basis, I only visit her grave twice a year. My mother passed away when I was 18 years old. My belief is that she is in an other realm that is hidden from the view of humans, where she is free to go anywhere she pleases. This is the reason why I do not go to her grave. Simply hanging at her grave is a waste of time and incomprehensible.
When I am at home, I get the impression that she is with me, unless she is with another member of the family. The way I see it is as follows. Even though her physical body is here and now, her soul is unending and unbounded. The only thing left for her to do was let go of her decaying body, which was unable to provide energy for the soul (the driver). On a regular basis, my mother communicates with me via the medium of bizarre coincidences and dreams. A fantastic dream that I had around a year ago is one that I can still recall quite well.
The dream was unlike any other I had ever had, and I knew that she was communicating with me from her soul rather than merely from my desire to experience her presence. For the time being, however, let us continue with a story that only provides you with reasons to trust in the signs that were sent by a loved one who has passed away…It was today that we had a ceremony at the gravesite for my father. His last resting place was next to my mother, with a view of a beautiful pond that was surrounded by verdant trees.
My daughter asked me soon after the funeral whether I had seen the red cardinal fly by all of us. Although I had missed it because I was so preoccupied with my emotions, I immediately recognized that the red cardinal is a symbol of the reality that our loved ones who are no longer physically there continue to exist in our hearts forever. During the time that we were driving back from the burial, I reflected on the fact that my mother had been reunited with my father and was maybe assisting him in this preliminary stage of his spiritual journey.
Not long after that, I came across three license plates that had the numbers 29 because it was my mother’s birthday, 39 because it was the year that my mother was born, and 59 because it was the year that my parents were married. Is it a coincidence? Possibly, but I don’t believe in the concept of coincidences. Signs and coincidences are something that I believe in. And there is not a shred of doubt in either my head or my heart that this was my mother’s method of conveying to me that she was going to go back to my father.