On the eighth of June, which was the last day of the Miss Kansas competition, Alexis Smith described the day as “not a normal day.” In addition to the fact that the Butler Country delegate was fighting for the crown, the person who had abusively treated her was also there in the crowd.

However, this did not prevent Smith from taking a stance for herself onstage by delivering an impactful statement that has since gone viral because of its impact.

Due to the fact that my abuser is here today, some of you in this audience saw me displaying a great deal of emotion. “However, I am not going to let that prevent me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and representing Kansas as the next Miss Kansas,” she said. Healthy connections are something that I and my community deserve. A life free of domestic abuse is something that we deserve.

Smith tells PEOPLE that she is happy that her speech has had such an effect on a large number of people and that she wishes to make use of this chance to raise the voices of other individuals who have been affected by domestic abuse.

The statement that she makes is that “we really need to take the time to listen to survivors, listen to victims, and figure out what changes that we can create in our daily behaviors that potentially are adding into this chain effect of domestic violence.”

At the age of 14, Smith embarked on her very first romantic relationship. Regrettably, the relationship gradually deteriorated into one of abuse and continued for a number of years.

This is a pattern that Smith is knowledgeable of. According to her statement to PEOPLE, “every single important woman” in her life has been a victim of domestic abuse, which is what has pushed her ambition to find answers to such problems.

“One of the most common misunderstandings that I come across is the notion that if there was no physical violence involved, therefore there was no aggression. On the other hand, there are a variety of distinct types of abuse, as Smith argues, and he goes on to say that there is no scale that can determine which kind of abuse is more severe than any other type of abuse.

During her adolescent years, Smith also became a member of the Miss America organization. She ultimately took a five-year break from the organization in order to concentrate on her studies and make an effort to flee her abuser.

Smith eventually returned to the organization in 2023, first as Miss Wichita and later as Ms. Butler County. The partnership eventually came to an end when it was no longer necessary.

Confronting her abuser in the middle of the competition was something she had not imagined happening. When she finally looked him in the eye during a performance that was performed at the interval, she almost immediately got tearful.

It is fortunate, according to her, that another delegate who is acquainted with Smith’s narrative was in the vicinity. In order to ensure that she would not be left alone, Smith requested that she accompany her down the stairs, and she complied with his request precisely.

In the aftermath, Smith reveals to PEOPLE that her abuser was the “one thing” that was on her mind for the duration of the pageant. On the other hand, she did not want to allow this someone to “take control of my narrative” or to contaminate the area that she had “worked so hard to get through.”

Consequently, when it came time for the interview phase of the Miss Kansas competition, Smith’s question struck a chord with the contestant: “What will be your vision as the next brand ambassador for the Miss Kansas organization?”

“Respect Reclaimed: Advocating For Healthy Relationships” is the name of a community service effort that Smith founded when she was a Miss Kansas delegate. The initiative’s primary objective is to achieve the elimination of dysfunctional and abusive relationships.

Within the context of her response to the question, Smith not only reaffirmed her commitment to her platform, but she also made the most of the chance to publicly condemn her abuser.

It is fortunate, according to her, that another delegate who is acquainted with Smith’s narrative was in the vicinity. In order to ensure that she would not be left alone, Smith requested that she accompany her down the stairs, and she complied with his request precisely.

In the aftermath, Smith reveals to PEOPLE that her abuser was the “one thing” that was on her mind for the duration of the pageant. On the other hand, she did not want to allow this someone to “take control of my narrative” or to contaminate the area that she had “worked so hard to get through.”

Consequently, when it came time for the interview phase of the Miss Kansas competition, Smith’s question struck a chord with the contestant: “What will be your vision as the next brand ambassador for the Miss Kansas organization?”

“Respect Reclaimed: Advocating For Healthy Relationships” is the name of a community service effort that Smith founded when she was a Miss Kansas delegate. The initiative’s primary objective is to achieve the elimination of dysfunctional and abusive relationships.

Within the context of her response to the question, Smith not only reaffirmed her commitment to her platform, but she also made the most of the chance to publicly condemn her abuser.

According to Smith, PEOPLE “Surprised” herself by her response, she explained. When she thinks back on it, she says, “I believe power just came over me, and I said what I needed to say.”

In addition, the audience demonstrated their support for her. It was at that moment that Smith had the realization, “Okay, what I’m doing is exactly what I ought to be doing.”

Smith is pleased with herself for confronting her attacker, “because I would’ve never done that before that moment,” she says on her decision to do so.

At this moment, video of her major address is making its way across the internet. individuals who “want to share their stories with me” and individuals who are interested in “talking about the impact that it’s had on them” have contacted Smith, according to Smith, who claims that she has received both types of messages.

As the winner of the Miss Kansas pageant, Smith has expressed her desire to “form a partnership with a national nonprofit” and engage in talks about “how we can help each other” in the fight against domestic abuse.

In an interview with PEOPLE, she says, “It is really important to remember that we need to keep the power and the choices in the hands of… those survivors and victims.”

In addition, Smith is excited about the prospect of working with young people via ventriloquism, which she showcased as her ability during the Miss America competition. According to her, the objective is “to open the conversation of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships” with the children.

The organization known as Miss America, according to Smith, has provided “the perfect platform to be able to do this advocacy work.” She feels that the Miss Kansas competition provided her with a one-of-a-kind chance to communicate her thoughts and feelings over a matter that is very important to her.

“If it weren’t for me being at Miss Kansas… who knows if I really would have been able to have that feeling of empowerment to take that power back and recognize that I am in charge of my life and the opportunities that are around me,” Smith continues. “It’s a feeling that I’ve never had before.”

By Anna

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