Jose Perez looked for a lady with whom he could have a committed relationship for a considerable amount of time before giving up. The important takeaway from this is that he put a high premium on how his preferred candidate would interact with and look for Nina, his dog.
The majority of his hand-picked females either vocally expressed their distaste for the beast or attempted to persuade Jose that they felt this way by behaving as if they did; nevertheless, Jose was able to see right through their pretense.

After a long search, he found Maria. The small girl’s face brightened up in excitement when she spotted her dog, and she and his dog immediately became fast friends.

At that same instant, Jose got the epiphany that Maria was “the one” he had spent the whole of his life searching for.

A few months later, he was successful in persuading his future wife-to-be to move in with him.Unfortunately for Jose, the repercussions of earlier failed relationships, which were still obvious in his life, prevented him from being able to completely depend on the girl. To ensure that his beloved Nina would be well cared for while he was away on business, he outfitted the whole home with a network of closed-circuit television cameras. It was very significant to him in many ways.

After arriving at his house, he did not waste any time in starting to watch the movie; it was at this time that he felt his heart finally beginning to soften. He was certain that he had arrived at the best conclusion possible, and he put his faith in Maria to decide his future. During the time that he was gone, Nina received wonderful care from the girl, and the two of them had a good time together. They began to dance after that!

By Elen

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