Marjorie Taylor Greene took a break from the catfights that were taking on in Congress in order to celebrate her birthday. It seems that she is reacting to an insult that was directed against her by displaying her curvy body.

The Georgia congressman posted a picture of herself on Instagram on Memorial Day, which also happened to be her 50th birthday. In the picture, she is wearing a baby blue bikini and a patriotic cowboy hat. She also included a long statement in which she pondered on the momentous occasion.

MTG proudly reeled off her accomplishments, which included everything from being the first person in her family to graduate from college to parenting three children while instilling them with religion and running profitable companies. She has accomplished each and every one of these things, and then some.

In addition, Green enthused about the fact that she is able to balance her professional responsibilities with her interests, which she attributes to “God’s grace that I don’t deserve but am thankful for beyond words.”

Her birthday post elicited a wide range of responses from people. Some people congratulated her on her special day and praised her self-assurance in wearing the two-piece, while others seemed to be persuaded that the photograph had been altered via the use of photo editing software.

In any event, it is without a doubt a subtle jab to Representative Jasmine Crockett, who previously said that MTG had a “bleached blonde bad built butch body.” This statement was made after Greene had made fun of her eyelashes. There was a tense hearing on Capitol Hill as a result of it, which was comparable to “The Jerry Springer Show.”

On the surface, this may be interpreted as a message, namely an expression along the lines of, “How’s this for a butch body?!?”

Although it should not come as a surprise, Crockett did not send any birthday greetings to Marjorie, and it does not seem that MTG is concerned about the situation. The fact that she does sweat throughout her CrossFit workouts is something that we are aware of, and it is something that she has recorded very well.

It would seem that Marjorie is eager to proudly display the outcomes. We are going to mention this: she has a fairly excellent appearance!

By Anna

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