When Brooklinn Khoury is getting close to the conclusion of her quest to rebuild herself, she is thinking back on the difficult recuperation she has undergone after being attacked by a vicious dog.
Now that all of her many reconstructive operations have been completed, the professional skateboarder, who is 23 years old and also suffered the loss of her top lip and a portion of her nose as a result of being mauled by a pit bull in the year 2020, posted a snapshot of her metamorphosis on Instagram on Tuesday.
According to the caption that she added to the photo, “Over the past couple of years, I have learned a great deal more than simply loving what I see in the mirror.” The fact that you can find a surgeon with whom you can trust, talk, and joke is something that I’ve realized to be both unusual and great. I have gained a great deal of knowledge about contemporary medicine and the many things that are possible. What my surgeon has been able to do left me in a state of astonishment. This man is a genuine artist.
“The most amazing part has been being able to love myself through each and every step of this reconstruction process,” she wrote in something she had written. I have been able to learn to appreciate every scar and every distinction that I notice on myself that contributes to who I am. Having the opportunity to look back at photographs such as these really helps to put into perspective how much of a trip it has been. My heart is filled with gratitude, and I am very fortunate.
Khoury continued by saying that the next stage in her quest is to have a tattoo on her lip, which is something that she has previously spoken about being excited about. For the purpose of making her repaired lip seem more natural, she is looking for ideas of tattoo artists in the comments section. She is wanting to tattoo her reconstructed lip the same color as her bottom lip.
Her message came to a close with the words, “Go hug someone you love today.”
Since the assault by the dog, Khoury has been providing updates on her rehabilitation path via various social media platforms. One month ago, she uploaded a video on TikTok in which she discussed how difficult her first operation was after the life-altering assault she had.
She divulged, “My very first operation lasted for twenty hours!” Certainly, they played a significant role in the operation. Therefore, in order for me to be able to feel my lip, they had to remove my skin from my arm, connect it to the lip, and then funnel a major artery and a vein.
“But I remained asleep for two days, and when I finally came to, I was in a state of complete bewilderment. I was unaware of the day that it was yet. As Khoury put it, “It was the most exciting thing ever.”
“When I woke up, the first thing I asked my doctor was what he had eaten during those twenty hours,” she wrote in the caption of the photo below.
In February, she went through her seventh reconstructive surgery, and she expressed to PEOPLE how excited she is to be getting closer and closer to the conclusion of her protracted journey.
In essence, my physician is reconstructing the upper lip with this surgical procedure, which involves the creation of a Cupid’s bow and center columns. “It’s basically making my lip look more aesthetically pleasing,” Khoury said in an interview with PEOPLE, adding that her procedures generally take the whole day to do. “My doctor’s very cautious and wants to do everything perfectly.”
According to Khoury, she is ready to put these procedures behind her and resume the high-velocity lifestyle she enjoyed previous to the assault. She is looking forward to the future.
“That’s one of the hardest things is just having to sit still and kind of refocus my attention into not being active and hiking, biking, surfing and skating,” according to her. “But we’re almost at the finish line.”
Since that time, Khoury has communicated to her followers that she is “obsessed” with the outcomes.